- BlueCore7 is a single-chip radio and baseband IC range for Bluetooth 2.4GHz systems including enhanced data rates (EDR) to 3Mbits/s. It includes an integrated FM transmitter and receiver with stereo audio input and output stages, Bluetooth low en
- Review of current short/medium range wireless standards and expected challenges for future systems • Introduction to Ultra-wideband (UWB) Technology – What is it? – Possible benefits and challenges • Performance example of M-PAM a
- MIMO(多输入,多输出系统)的无线通信的智能天线技术的基础上发展起来的,它的主要特征是一个通信系统的使用多个天线配置来解决移动通信系统的发送和接收端 –以此来解决未来移动通信系统大容量高速率传输和日益紧张的频谱资源间的矛盾。和智能天线技术不同于系统在MIMO无线信道的发射天线,从任何到接收天线间的无线信道是相互独立或有很小的相关性。-Developed on the basis of smart antenna technology MIMO (multiple-input, multiple