- 这是一个网络抓包程序,通过获取截取的网卡中通过的数据包,并且对其进行分析,来了解网络中数据传播的格式以及因特网工作的原理。-this is a priscr iption of internet bags that can be captured and analised so you can know how the internet works.
- 使用WireShark分析RTP流,Wireshark 是一个强大的抓包及网络分析软件,可以用来嗅探和分析多种网络协议的数据包和流,RTP 和 RTCP 也是其中的两种。-WireShark analysis using the RTP stream, Wireshark is a powerful Ethereal and network analysis software, can be used to sniff and analyze a variety of network proto
- 分析了USB CDROM, Mass storage数据包,数据结构,详细解析bushond抓取的数据,对于学习USB Key的通信非常有帮助。-Analysis of the USB CDROM, Mass storage data packet, data structure, detailed analysis bushond crawl of data, for learning USB Key communication is very helpful.