- Modbus协议,中文版 前 言 第一部分:Modbus协议 1 引言 2 缩略语 3 背景概要 4 总体描述 5 功能码分类 6 功能码描述 7 MODBUS异常响应 的实现指南 1 引言 2 Modbus数据链路层 3 物理层 4 安装和文件 5 实现等级 6 附录 Modbus .org Modbus Application Protocol Specification 第三部分:Modbus协议在TCP/IP上
- 采用第一代p2p模型,该P2P实验系统由三个组件组成:监听器、浏览器和服务器。虽然没有代码,但是其设计思想,和系统结构图,对其他人设计类似系统有很好的指导作用。-Using the first generation of p2p model, the P2P experimental system consists of three components: listening device, browser and server. Although there is no code, but i
- power sampling in noise . u can test it .its my first code i hav uploaded
- MMSN最早的针对无线传感器网络的固定信道分配的多信道MAC协议-MMSN the first wireless sensor network for the fixed channel assignment of multi-channel MAC protocol
- Wi-Fi(wlan 无线局域网)作为当今无线领域最为热门的一个技术, 已经应用到各行各业中。它使用TCP标准通讯,技术成熟可靠,传输速率快,各种配套的网络设备十分丰富,使用者接受程度最高, 全球免费使用,是区域无线通讯的首选方案。 SOC芯片,性价比极高,质量稳定,内置WiFi协议栈和串口传输协议,接口信号5V、地、RX 、TX四线连接; ◆ 模块简洁、体积小,22*60*5 mm; ◆ 用户接口开发简单快捷,串口驱动 ,内置协议栈,无需操作系统支持; ◆ MSC51/
- Qt编写串口通信程序全程图文讲解,首先说明我们的编程环境是windows xp下,在Qt Creator中进行,如果在Linux下或直接用源码编写,程序稍有不同,请自己改动-Qt graphics throughout the preparation of serial communication program to explain, first, our programming environment is under windows xp, carried out in the Qt Cr
- 数字通信系统的数据传输为了保证数据传输的有效性 ,常用的方法就是对传输数据进行 CRC校验。首先分析了CRC的校验原理 ,然后以常见的CRC-16为例 ,提出了生成CRC码的算法 ,给出了该算法的实现软件流程图 ,并在Windows平台上用 VC++实现。该算法实现简单 ,实时性强 ,非常适合于大数据块传输的情况。计算机仿真实验表明 ,这是一种有效地实现CRC校验码的方法 ,为通信系统的差错控制提供了一种简捷的解决方案。-Digital communication system of data
- 光通信系统中前向纠错FEC码型的理论分析.pdf-Optical communication systems, the first analysis of forward error correction FEC code type theory
- In this paper, we propose an effective end-to-end virtual path construction system, which exploits path diversity over heterogeneous wireless networks. The goal of the proposed system is to provide a high quality live video streaming service
- We can determine number densities and aggregation states using ICS. First, we calculate a 2D spatial autocorrelation function (SACF) for each image in the simulation which we created earlier:These notes are meant to serve as a very brief introduction
- Abstract— We propose a simple speech compression algorithm using subband division and ADPCM (Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation) algorithm. Although speech data are stored in a semiconductor memory device, its capacity and the availa
- Abstract— We propose a simple speech compression algorithm using subband division and ADPCM (Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation) algorithm. Although speech data are stored in a semiconductor memory device, its capacity and the availa
- results than conventional LBP based schemes. Several observations can be made for CLBP. First, LBP is a special case of CLBP by using only CLBP_S. Second, we will show that the sign component preserves more image local structural information
- Generate Data to Plot This topic shows you how to generate the data to be plotted when the GUI user clicks a button. The opening function generates this data by calling MATLAB functions. The opening function, which initializes a GUI when it open
- generation of gold code using two maximal length (m seq) sequences. first we need to generate two maximal length sequences and then we have to xor those , we get gold code
- generation of gold code using two maximal length (m seq) sequences. first we need to generate two maximal length sequences and then we have to xor those , we get gold code
- This the MATLAB code that was used to produce the figures and tables in Section V of F. Forbes and G. Fort, Combining Monte Carlo and mean-field like methods for inference in Hidden Markov Random Fields, Accepted for publication in IEEE Trans. on
- LDPC码的译码报告,先进行LDPC编码,然后通过和积算法进行译码,最后看误码率是否会下降-Decoding of LDPC code report, first for LDPC codes, then through and integrated algorithm to decode, finally see whether the error rate will drop
- In this paper, we propose a distributed Alamouti space-time code (DASTC) for two-way relay networks employing a single amplify-and-forward (AF) relay. We first derive closedform expressions for the approximated average sum-rate of the propose