- 现场可编程门阵列( FPGA) 是一种可编程逻辑器件, 它具有丰富的I/O 口及内部资源, 编程和修改极为方便, 并且易于扩展和维护, 简化电子电路的设计。本系统采用Altera 公司的FLEX10K作为核心器件, 结合VHDL程序, 实现了对LED 点阵显示字符的控制。-Field programmable gate array (FPGA) is a programmable logic device, which has a wealth of I/O port and internal
- 需要提取汉字字模,因此我们首先来了解汉字点阵字模的提取方法。 汉字的点阵字模是从点阵字库文件中提取出来的 -Need to extract character font, so that we first understand the extraction method of Chinese character dot matrix. Chinese character dot matrix is extracted from the dot-matrix
- 12864是一种图形点阵液晶显示器,它主要由行驱动器/列驱动器及128×64全点阵液晶显示器组成。可完成图形显示,也可以显示8×4个(16×16点阵)汉字。本文介绍了他基本管脚,操作等信息。-12864 is a dot matrix LCD display, which is mainly composed of the line driver/column driver and 128 × 64 full dot matrix LCD display. Complete graphical
- 点阵图形显示,十字和叉字循环显示,利用verilog语言汇编,有测试代码。-Dot matrix graphic display, cross and cross word cycle display, using Verilog language, assembly, testing code.
- 一种点阵式字体的构造方法介绍,主要介绍字符编码和实际的字模之间的映射关系以及索引方式,展现性能和存储空间之间的平衡关系-a kind of dot-matrix font, introduce the mapping relation between char encoding and its glyph to demo leverage performance and memory