- 无线多媒体传感器网络数据融合路由及仿真平台研究-Wireless multimedia sensor network routing and data fusion simulation platform of
- 综合叙述了目前无线传感器网络的现状及发展并重点介绍了其中的定位及数据融合技术-Comprehensive descr iption of the current status of wireless sensor networks and development and highlights of the location and data fusion technology
- this paper is about fusion data in cognitive radio networks. we utilize the neyman pearson for this perpose.
- this paper is about fusion data in cognitive radio networks. we utilize the neyman pearson for this perpose.
- 研究GPS与INS数据融合编程卡尔曼滤波算法-Study of GPS and INS data fusion programming Kalman filter algorithm
- 研究GPS与INS数据融合编程卡尔曼滤波算法-Study of GPS and INS data fusion programming Kalman filter algorithm
- 研究GPS与INS数据融合编程卡尔曼滤波算法-Study of GPS and INS data fusion programming Kalman filter algorithm
- Wireless sensor DD systems are designed and deployed for detection application. Wireless sensor networks differ from general data networks and they require a different design paradigm that considers the co-operative nature of sensor nodes and
- 基于神经网络的传感器网络数据融合技术研究-S e n s o r N e t w o r k B a s e d o n N e u r a l N e t w o r k D a t a F u s i o n T e c h n o l o g y
- In this paper, we investigate the problem of reliable detection and localization of active sound source using a new fusion approach of the vision and the acoustic data that enables reducing errors of acoustic localization caused mainly by syn
- this file describes the fusion of multi data source
- this file describes the multisensors fusion
- 音频信号通过LM386放大,包括四元数的各种计算,D-S证据理论数据融合。- LM386 audio signal amplification, Including quaternion various calculations, D-S evidence theory data fusion.
- D-S证据理论数据融合,基于小波变换的数字水印算法matlab代码,使用大量的有限元法求解偏微分方程。- D-S evidence theory data fusion, Based on wavelet transform digital watermarking algorithm matlab code, Using a large number of finite element method to solve partial differential equations.
- 用于特征降维,特征融合,相关分析等,基于matlab平台实现,isodata 迭代自组织的数据分析。- For feature reduction, feature fusion, correlation analysis, Based on matlab platform, Isodata iterative self-organizing data analysis.
- 仿真效果非常好,用MATLAB编写的遗传算法路径规划,D-S证据理论数据融合。- Simulation of the effect is very good, Genetic algorithms using MATLAB path planning, D-S evidence theory data fusion.
- D-S证据理论数据融合,已调制信号计算其普相关密度,车牌识别定位程序的部分功能。- D-S evidence theory data fusion, Modulated signals to calculate its density Pu-related, Part of the license plate recognition locator feature.