- Study on Passive Optical Networks
- Modeling of Optical Networks
- This communication presents an alysis of the design and fabrication of power-efficient, low cost VCSEL-based optical transceiver proposed for emerging fiber data distributed interface (FDDI) and fiber channel local-area network (FCLAN
- GPON国际标准.G.984.1 Gigabit-capable passive optical networks-GPON international standards. G.984.1 Gigabit-capable passive optical networks
- hand book of optical communication
- The predicted growth in mobile phone traffic and move towards enhanced mobility will lead to a need for wireless infrastructure that provides increased bandwidth per user .future wireless networks will require an optical network to provide antenna
- 详细介绍光突发交换的的各项关键技术,包括信道调度,资源预留,汇聚算法-Detailed optical burst switching the key technologies, including the channel scheduling, resource reservation, aggregation algorithms, etc.
- It is project that studies the optical networks
- Fiber based access networks can deliver performance that can support the in- creasing demands for high speed connections. One of the new technologies that has emerged in recent years is Ethernet Passive Optical Networks. The key fea- tures of
- The passive optical network (PON) is an optical fiber based network architecture,which can provide much higher bandwidth in the access network compared to traditional copper-based networks. Incorporating wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) in a PO
- Optical orthogonal codes (OOCs) are widely used as spreading codes in optical fiber networks. In this paper, a bound on the code size of 2-D OOCs with both at most one-pulse per wavelength (AM-OPPW) and at most onepulse per time slot (AM-OPPT
- Design & Simulation of Integrated Semiconductor Optical Amplifier- Modulator and its use in Wavelength Division Multiplexing Passive Optical Access Networks
- High-order modulation formats and advanced error correcting codes (ECC) are two promising techniques for improving the performance of ultrahigh-speed optical transport networks. In this paper, we present record receiver sensitivity for 107 Gb/s CO-
- An overview of OTN in optical networks.
- Add and drop (A&D) Elastic optical networks (EONs) Flexible grid Sliceable bandwidth variable transponder (S-BVT).-Add and drop (A&D) Elastic optical networks (EONs) Flexible grid Sliceable bandwidth variable transponder (S-BVT).
- New optical access technologies allow network operators to cope with larger client count and longer access distances, as well as to deliver larger bandwidth. This paper focuses on next generation optical access network architectures using Wavelen
- 5G-XHaul aims at a converged optical and wireless network solution, relying on flexible infrastructure able to support Backhaul (BH) & Fronthaul (FH) networks required to cope with future challenges imposed by 5G Radio Access Networks (RANs).