- Nachos i nstructional software that allows students to examine modify and exe cute operating system software Nachos provides a skeletal operating system that sup ports threads userlevel processes virtual memory and interruptdriven input o
- BOotloader U_Boot功能齐全、应用广泛但移植到ARM微处理器s3C2440A上相对比较复杂.简介了常见的BOot— loader,归纳了U-BOot的主要特征,分析了其运行过程,介绍了系统存储空间分布和基于S3c2440A微处理器为核心自主开发 的嵌入式系统板硬件资源配置,给出了U.Boot在嵌入式系统板上的移植方法、移植过程和移植要点.-】300tloader U—Boot has enough functions and comprehensive applicatio
- OMNeT++中文手册协议模拟 OMNEST 是OMNeT++的一个商业版本,OMNeT++只在学术和非盈利性活动免费,在进行商业性 研究时需要从Global 公司获得OMNEST 许可证。-OMNeT++ Chinese manual agreement simulation • simulation queue network • simulation multiprocessor and other distributed hardware
- complex design of improving radio communication system.
- 复杂动态系统仿真软件starlogo学习资料-Complex dynamic system simulation software starlogo the learning materials
- Network on chip or network on a chip (NoC or NOC) is a communication subsystem on an integrated circuit (commonly called a "chip"), typically between IP cores in a system on a chip (SoC). NoCs can span synchronous and asynchronous clock domains or us
- 视频跟踪是视频信息处理的一个重要研究方向。交通信息管理、公安刑事侦查过程中人的跟踪占有很大比例。基于人脸特征的视频跟踪主要研究视频信息中人脸特征的提取,人脸特征的对比算法,人的运动的分析方法,及跟踪方法,跟踪结果的表示。- criminal investigation,anti-terrorism and military installations. Consequently, to recognize person identity speedy and exactly in large
- 本文阐述了一种通用性好、通信性能较强、采用成熟技术、运行稳定安全的模块化通信系统L 适合大多数机器人应用, 无论主控制器简单还是复杂, 有无操作 系统或使用任意一种操作系统, 只需要使用通用标准的硬件接口和简单有限的数据帧定义就 能构成一个无线透明通道, 将大大简化无线通信的开发过程L 本-This paper describes a general, communication performance is strong, with mature technology, L modul
- 宽带无线通信系统的发展面临频谱资源有限、传输环境复杂等挑战,而高性能信道编码等物理层关键技术可以有效应对宽带无线通信系统的传输速率与传输质量需求-Development of broadband wireless communication systems faced limited spectrum resources, environment, transport and complex challenges, and high-performance physical layer chan
- A 16-QAM signal X, whose power is normalized as unity, is transmitted with OFDM over the discrete-time channel model h which has been used in Homework #2 and #3. As depicted in the below figure, the transmitter (TX) is now equipped with an N-point ID
- 复调制ZoomFFT是频谱细化技术的其中一种,从分析精度、计算效率、分辨率、灵活性等方面来看,是最有效的一种。-A common method of complex modulation ZoomFFT method, Chirp-Z transform, Yip-ZOOM transform based on, but the analysis accuracy, computational efficiency, resolution, spirit Active perspective,
- In this letter, we propose a simple orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) scheme for an asynchronous cooperative system, where OFDM is implemented at the source node, and time-reversion and complex conjugation are implemented at the rel
- The challenge for RF engineers is mainly to understand the complex systems starting with the transmitter and ending with the receiver. It is not enough to investigate only single components of the communications link. The antennas are an in