- 使用说明 1、所有仿真算法按章归类,光盘中的程序名与书中一一对应。 2、将光盘中的仿真程序复制到硬盘MATLAB运行的路径中,便可仿真运行。 3、本书算法在MATLAB 5.3版下运行成功,并适用于其他版本。 4、程序chap1_11.mdl;chap3_2.mdl;chap3_5.mdl;chap6_2.mdl;chap6_4.mdl需要在Matlab6.5下运行,特此说明。 5、假如您对仿真程序有疑问,请及时通过 E-mail 与作者联系。 北京航空
- We study the security and privacy of private browsing modes recently added to all major browsers. We first propose a clean definition of the goals of private browsing and survey its implementation in different browsers. We conduct a measureme
- Connect (reconnect) and enable bluetooth mouse, headset, gps receiver o ther device This scr ipt removes the remote bluetooth device from your system (if present), than adds and configures it again. This scr ipt requires Bluetooth Command L