- exp-1: To observe the BER performance of a BPSK system in AWGN channel.- exp-1: To observe the BER performance of a BPSK system in AWGN channel.
- exp-5: To observe the BER performance of a SIMO system with two receive antennas and MRC in spatially independent Rayleigh fading channels.- exp-5: To observe the BER performance of a SIMO system with two receive antennas and MRC in spatially indep
- Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) is a method of encoding digital data on multiple carrier frequencies.
- ffmpeg 使用例子 流媒体开发时参考资料-References ffmpeg examples of the use of streaming media development
- MATLAB codes for BPSK, QPSK, Differential BPSK, Pulse shaping and link budget calculation are uploaded
- oracle11g无法导出空记录表办法 ,解决oracle11g exp命令无法导出空记录表的办法-oracle11g not export an empty record sheet solutions to oracle11g exp command can not export an empty record sheet approach
- Compute log(sum(exp(x),dim)) while avoiding numerical underflow. By default dim = 1 (columns).-Compute log(sum(exp(x),dim)) while avoiding numerical underflow. By default dim = 1 (columns).
- hive函数大全 一、关系运算: 4 1. 等值比较: = 4 2. 不等值比较: <> 4 3. 小于比较: < 4 4. 小于等于比较: <= 4 5. 大于比较: > 5 6. 大于等于比较: >= 5 7. 空值判断: IS NULL 5 8. 非空判断: IS NOT NULL 6 9. LIKE比较: LIKE 6 10. JAVA的LIKE操作: RLIKE 6 11. REGEXP操作: REGEXP 7 二、数学运算