- 摘 要 盲图像恢复的主要困难是信息不足,而为了恢复图像和确定点扩散函数需要适当的先验知识。解决这个问题的法、 法以及正则化方法等。但是这些方法的计算量都太大,针对上述方法的不足,文章提出了一种恢复图方法有图像的新算法,它通过恢复残差的最小化和后验概率的最大化来估计参数和恢复图像。其中,巧妙地利用了最陡梯度法和 共轭梯度法的迭代求解。对由于运动造成的模糊图像,可以明显地改善图像的质量,实验结果证明,在对模糊操作没有严格限制的情况下,仍可得到较好的恢复图像。,: : 2$*/<$ I?E
- Articolul urmă reş te î n principal exemplificarea modului de funcţ ionare a sistemului de protecţ ie î n scopul clarificarii analizelor de incident, prin simularea unui defect. Î n analiza acestui defect, mă rimii
- Object detection and tracking are important in many computer vision applications including activity recognition, automotive saf ety, and surveillance. In this example, you w ill develop a simple f ace tracking system by dividing the tracking probl
- This the MATLAB code that was used to produce the figures and tables in Section V of F. Forbes and G. Fort, Combining Monte Carlo and mean-field like methods for inference in Hidden Markov Random Fields, Accepted for publication in IEEE Trans. on
- 用二分法求解f(x)=x^2-4sin (x)-0.1=0 用牛顿法求解f(x)=x^3-7x^2+14x-8=0 -Using dichotomy to solve f(x)=x^2-4sin (x)-0.1=0 Newton method f(x)=x^3-7x^2+14x-8=0
- 已知一信号f(t) 3sin100pit+2sin68pit+5cos(72pit) 且该信号混有白噪声 对 该信号进行连续小波变换 小波函数用db3 尺度为1、1.2、1.4、1.6……3。 要求 在MatLab 工作空间中直接输入命令 用cwt()函数计算这一信号的小波变换-MatLab dwt