为了优化协作通信系统的性能 ,提出了一种基于信道容量增益的中继节点选取策略 ,并在此基础上提出了源节点和中继节点最优功率分配算法.
协作通信 中继节点选取 功率分配 凸优化-A joint optimization st rategy for relay selection and power allocation is proposed to optimize the performance of cooperative communication system.cooperative c
这篇文献介绍了在无线协作网络中结合最优中继选择和能量分配的一种能量有效性优化算法,将系统建模成马尔可夫链,再用优化算法进行求解最优中继。-we investigate a distributed joint relay selection and power allocation optimization scheme over wireless cooperative networks
Spectral Efficient Optimization in OFDM Systems with Wireless Information and Power Transfer
Wireless Sensor Network is the network of power-limited sensing devices called sensors. Wireless sensor network is differ other networks in terms of optimization of amount of energy because when these sensors sense and transmit data to other sensors
Optimization of tilt and pilot power
Smart grid is a new emerging technology which
is able to intelligently control the power consumption
via network. Therefore, the efficiency of the
information exchange between the power suppliers
(or control centers) and power customers is an
Our previous work on real-valued function optimization problems
had shown that cultural learning emerged as the result of meta-level interaction
or swarming of knowledge sources, “knowledge swarms” in the belief
space. These meta-level swarms i
在SISO/MIMO为基础的无线网络中对基于QoS的频带和能源效率的优化-Joint Spectrum and Power Efficiencies
Optimization for Statistical QoS Provisionings Over
SISO/MIMO Wireless Networks
迭代自组织数据分析,遗传算法无功优化,针对EMD方法的不足。- Iterative self-organizing data analysis, Genetic algorithm based reactive power optimization, For lack of EMD.
包括回归分析和概率统计,遗传算法无功优化,采用的是脉冲对消法。- Including regression analysis and probability and statistics, Genetic algorithm based reactive power optimization, It uses a pulse of consumer law.
将粒子群优化算法引入光伏电池最大功率追踪,对于研究MPPT的人员,可以参考学习(Particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is introduced into maximum power tracking of photovoltaic cells, which can be used as a reference for people who study MPPT.)