- 本文分析了蓝牙协议栈BlueZ体系结构,详细介绍了在S3C2410开发板上移植BlueZ的步骤,建立了嵌入式蓝牙应用开发平台,并提出了用BlueZ开发蓝牙应用程序的思路。 -This paper analyzes the BlueZ Bluetooth protocol stack architecture, described in detail in the S3C2410 development board transplantation BlueZ steps to establish
- 环境监测无线传感器网络节点的设计 针对环境监测的要求,开发了一种兼容型的无线传感器网络节点系统。该系统以MSP430FG4618为核心,采用 CC2420 214G射频芯片,软件上移植了德州仪器( TI) ZigBee协议栈,并在应用层开发了通信程序。该系统可以组建成稳定的网状网络,功耗低,数据传输稳定.-Environmental monitoring wireless sensor network node designed for environmental monitoring requ
- zigbee 和IEEE 802.15.4是基于标准的协议,他们为无线传感器网络应用提供所需要的网络基础设施-ZigBee Document 053474r17 January 17, 2008 11:09 am Sponsored by: ZigBee Alliance Accepted by ZigBee Alliance Board of Directors Abstract The ZigBee Specification describes the infrastruc
- 详细介绍了Z-Stack应用程序接口及函数说明,是一本不可多得的ZigBee二次开发参考手册,全中文说明,方便阅读-Details of the Z-Stack application program interface and function descr iption, is a rare secondary development of ZigBee reference manual, full chines descr iption, easy to read
- zigbee初级培训资料,讲述了:什么是zigbee;短程无线网络标准;zigbee与IEEE 802.15.4;zigbee的协议栈;频带和数据传输率、信道;zigbee的拓扑结构和网络设备类型;zigbee的应用案例简介(包括:结合GPRS的传输网络、油田油井遥测、石油石化应用、管道监测、远程抄表、水文水利、交通控制、医疗设备、点餐系统等)-zigbee initial training information about: What is zigbee short-range wirel
- zigbee协议栈的架构介绍,包括堆栈层、mac层、应用层以及一些服务原语的用法。-zigbee protocol stack architecture, the stack layer, mac layer, application layer, as well as some of the services of the original language usage.
- Windows Sockets API (WSA), which was later shortened to Winsock, is a technical specification that defines how Windows network software should access network services, especially TCP/IP. It defines a standard interface between a Windows TCP/IP client
- This application note describes how to implement ZigBee device using zPULSE - ZigBee Stack Library of RadioPulse.
- J1939 stack master application