- This document is based on the International Standard ISO 14230 Keyword Protocol 2000 and has been further developed to meet Swedish automotive manufacturer s requirements by the Swedish Vehicle Diagnostics Task Force. It is based on mutual
- This document is based on the International Standard ISO 14230 Keyword Protocol 2000 and has been further developed to meet Swedish automotive manufacturer s requirements by the Swedish Vehicle Diagnostics Task Force. It is based on mutual
- LIN 协议由欧洲汽车制造商协会设计,是一种低成本、 短距离的低速通信网络。它旨在传送开关设置的变化, 并对开关变化做出响应,因此通信事件是在人类所能感 知的几百毫秒时间内发生的。 本应用笔记并非要取代或者重建LIN协议规范。 它只是 对该总线进行了全面介绍,并从一个较高的角度来说明 总线工作原理、如何基于PIC® 器件实现从节点及其功 能。可从www.lin-subbus.com 网站获得完整的LIN 协 议规范。然而,在撰写本应用笔记时,LIN 协议规范