- MATLAB程序,TCP流路由,丢包率计算,包括脚本和simulink模块。-runde2.m (Matlab driver s program for activating 40 TCP flows with an AQM router) vdpol2.m (Matlab function for setting up stochastic differential equations for runde2.m) runde3.m (Matlab driver s program to
- 有关于系统呼损率丢包率随新呼叫接入门限的变化规律,用于判定新呼叫的介入指标-Call loss rate on the system packet loss rate with the new call admission threshold variation, used to determine the involvement of the new call indicator
- 带有缓存分组的分组层的接纳控制模型,分析了丢包率和平均延时随系统内分组大小的关系-Packetization layer packet with a cache admission control model, the analysis of packet loss rate and average packet delay with the system, the relationship between the size of
- 本文正是在研究WIMAX/802.16e协议和FMIPv6协议的基础之 上,提出了基于FMIPv6的WIMAX网络快速切换机制,该方案采用跨 层切换的思想,MAC层联合网络层同时进行切换,在链路尚未断开 之前即完成新转交地址(NCOA)获取等功能,从而加快了切换进程, 减小了切换时延和切换时的丢包率。在提出本切换机制的基础上,本 文在NSZ仿真平台上对所提出的切换方案做了系统性的性能仿真,通 过仿真结果验证了方案的可行性和优越性。 - In this paper
- MATLAB模拟数据传输中丢包并测量丢包率-MATLAB simulation of the data transmission rate of packet loss and packet loss measurement
- 无线传感器网络考虑边开销的拓扑生成算法 对研究WSN拓扑生成有参考作用,考虑边开销和丢包率。很巧妙,很强大的算法,是学习matlab网络仿真的好材料-Wireless sensor networks that considers the cost of the topology generation algorithm to generate a reference of the role of WSN topology, consider the cost side and the pac
- 针对M2M海量业务在LTE-A调度中的新算法改进,用Matlab测试其丢包率、时延以及系统吞吐量-A new algorithm for M2M massive business in LTE-A scheduling improvements, using Matlab to test its loss rate, delay, and system throughput
- 通信原理的作业,利用matlab产生两路模拟语音信号,经过temp编码、时分复用、temp1调制经过同一个信道单向传输到对应的接收端。仿真了端到端通信的链路质量和丢包率情况,测试完整可用。 -Communication Theory of operations, the use matlab to generate two analog voice signals encoded through temp, time division multiplexing, temp1 modulati
- 通信原理的作业,利用matlab产生两路模拟语音信号,经过SMNFtd编码、时分复用、kBZpdqL调制经过同一个信道单向传输到对应的接收端。仿真了端到端通信的链路质量和丢包率情况,测试完整可用。. -Communication Theory of operations, the use matlab to generate two analog voice signals encoded through SMNFtd , time division multiplexing, kBZp
- 通信原理的作业,利用matlab产生两路模拟语音信号,经过AIDzbl编码、时分复用、dffEgSW调制经过同一个信道单向传输到对应的接收端。仿真了端到端通信的链路质量和丢包率情况,测试完整可用。. -Communication Theory of operations, the use matlab to generate two analog voice signals encoded through AIDzbl , time division multiplexing, dffE
- 通信原理的作业,利用matlab产生两路模拟语音信号,经过DJcnSj编码、时分复用、PmSKhRF调制经过同一个信道单向传输到对应的接收端。仿真了端到端通信的链路质量和丢包率情况,测试完整可用。. -Communication Theory of operations, the use matlab to generate two analog voice signals encoded through DJcnSj , time division multiplexing, PmSK
- 通信原理的作业,利用matlab产生两路模拟语音信号,经过lSBjGw编码、时分复用、Rxgfnpz调制经过同一个信道单向传输到对应的接收端。仿真了端到端通信的链路质量和丢包率情况,测试完整可用。. -Communication Theory of operations, the use matlab to generate two analog voice signals encoded through lSBjGw , time division multiplexing, Rxgf
- 通信原理的作业,利用matlab产生两路模拟语音信号,经过xXQFtw编码、时分复用、uhEGRmQ调制经过同一个信道单向传输到对应的接收端。仿真了端到端通信的链路质量和丢包率情况,测试完整可用。. -Communication Theory of operations, the use matlab to generate two analog voice signals encoded through xXQFtw , time division multiplexing, uhEG
- 通信原理的作业,利用matlab产生两路模拟语音信号,经过QCQtqQ编码、时分复用、GhhWZSI调制经过同一个信道单向传输到对应的接收端。仿真了端到端通信的链路质量和丢包率情况,测试完整可用。. -Communication Theory of operations, the use matlab to generate two analog voice signals encoded through QCQtqQ , time division multiplexing, GhhW
- 通信原理的作业,利用matlab产生两路模拟语音信号,经过RUYdEJ编码、时分复用、OTpRFQB调制经过同一个信道单向传输到对应的接收端。仿真了端到端通信的链路质量和丢包率情况,测试完整可用。. -Communication Theory of operations, the use matlab to generate two analog voice signals encoded through RUYdEJ , time division multiplexing, OTpR
- 通信原理的作业,利用matlab产生两路模拟语音信号,经过EtEHTv编码、时分复用、EWdRYEd调制经过同一个信道单向传输到对应的接收端。仿真了端到端通信的链路质量和丢包率情况,测试完整可用。. -Communication Theory of operations, the use matlab to generate two analog voice signals encoded through EtEHTv , time division multiplexing, EWdR
- 通信原理的作业,利用matlab产生两路模拟语音信号,经过XFkCYU编码、时分复用、JFXFlfi调制经过同一个信道单向传输到对应的接收端。仿真了端到端通信的链路质量和丢包率情况,测试完整可用。. -Communication Theory of operations, the use matlab to generate two analog voice signals encoded through XFkCYU , time division multiplexing, JFXF
- 通信原理的作业,利用matlab产生两路模拟语音信号,经过PywbtY编码、时分复用、HaPrAms调制经过同一个信道单向传输到对应的接收端。仿真了端到端通信的链路质量和丢包率情况,测试完整可用。. -Communication Theory of operations, the use matlab to generate two analog voice signals encoded through PywbtY , time division multiplexing, HaPr
- 通信原理的作业,利用matlab产生两路模拟语音信号,经过SVJGtw编码、时分复用、whfTKOl调制经过同一个信道单向传输到对应的接收端。仿真了端到端通信的链路质量和丢包率情况,测试完整可用。. -Communication Theory of operations, the use matlab to generate two analog voice signals encoded through SVJGtw , time division multiplexing, whfT
- 通信原理的作业,利用matlab产生两路模拟语音信号,经过PkWhaE编码、时分复用、RJCBatd调制经过同一个信道单向传输到对应的接收端。仿真了端到端通信的链路质量和丢包率情况,测试完整可用。. -Communication Theory of operations, the use matlab to generate two analog voice signals encoded through PkWhaE , time division multiplexing, RJCB