- STM32的PWM输出模式,STM32的TIM1模块是增强型的定时器模块,天生就是为电机控制而生,可以产生3组6路PWM,同时每组2路PWM为互补,并可以带有死区,可以用来驱动H桥。-STM32' s PWM output mode, STM32' s TIM1 module is enhanced timer module, is inherently for the motor control, it can produce three groups 6-channel PWM,
- freescale DSP56f807环境下 PE模式输出六路互补PWM波,可用于驱动逆变器-freescale DSP56f807 environment PE mode complementary PWM wave output 6 Road can be used to drive inverter
- 通过对 TIM1 定时器进行控制,使之各通道输出插入死区的互补PWM 输出, 各通道输出频率均为17.57KHz。 其中,通道1 输出的占空比为50 ,通道2 输出的占空比为25 ,通道3 输 出的占空比为12.5 。各通道互补输出为反相输出。 TIM1 定时器的通道1 到3 的输出分别对应PA.08、PA.09、PA.10 引脚,而通 道1 到3 的互补输出分别对应PB.13、PB.14 和PB.15 引脚,将这些引脚分别接 入示波器正接线,GND 引脚接示波器负接线,
- 使用AVR单片机产生频率可调的PWM脉冲输出,两路脉冲互补,一路高电平,另一路低电平。可用于控制可变频率的驱动电机-AVR microcontroller to generate the PWM pulse output frequency is adjustable, two-way pulse complementary, all the way to high and low the other way. Can be used to control the variable freque
- 基于单片机的双路互补PWM波输出设置,仅供参考,希望对需要的人有帮助。-Based on single-chip dual complementary PWM wave.
- stm32 4路pwm 互补波形输出,适合igbt驱动-stm32 4 pwm
- 半桥互补PWM输出,带频率,占空比可调并且掉电保存频率,占空比值点.-Complementary PWM half-bridge output with frequency, duty cycle and power-down save adjustable frequency, duty cycle value points.
- MSP430F149单片机输出1路互补PWM波形-MSP430F149 MCU complementary PWM output
高级定时器输出1路互补 PWM实验---含详细注释
- 基于STM32单片机设计的高级定时器TIM1的6路互补带死区的PWM输出实验,代码中含有详细的注释,对学习PWM很有帮助(STM32 microcontroller based design of advanced timer, TIM1 6 complementary band, dead zone PWM output experiment, the code contains detailed notes, helpful for learning PWM)
实验22 PWM DAC实验
- 采用STM407能实现PWM互补对称输出(Using STM407 can realize PWM output complementary symmetry)
- 利用STM32F031单片机产生六路相同频率具有死区时间的PWM,本程序可以用来做BLDC的参考(The use of STM32F031 microcontroller produces six same frequency, with dead time PWM, this procedure can be used to do BLDC reference)
- 双路带死区互补PWM输出,适合数字电源控制,H桥驱电路等控制(Dual band, dead band complementary PWM output, suitable for digital power control, H bridge drive circuit control)
- 蓝桥杯模拟互补PWM输出-完整版,完成题设所有要求(Blue Bridge Cup simulation complementary PWM output - Full Version, complete all the requirements of the problem set)
- 应用stm32f103 输出6路pwm信号 还有互补和死区......(Application stm32f103 output 6 pwm signal there are complementary and dead zone)
TIM1_PWM 互补输出
- 配置TIM1的互补输出模式,输出两路互补的PWM波。(The complementary output mode configuration TIM1,PWM wave output two complementary.)
STM32 的4路互补pwm
- 使用keil5编写的STM32输出四路互补的PWM,适配正点原子的mini版,同样是为电赛逆变系统做的准备。通过定时器的输出比较模式,在PC6~PC9,输出4路PWM,每路PWM频率为500Hz,占空比为50%,每一路PWM相位差为45°(The STM32 output four complementary PWM, which is written in keil5, is suitable for the mini version of the positive point atom, w
- stm32f4输出互补pwm波,用于电机,变频器的驱动。(Stm32f4 output complementary PWM wave.)
stm32 pwm输出
- TM32的高级定时器TIM1可以产生互补的PWM,并且可以通过相关寄存器的设置使能或关闭PWM的输出。在编写BLDC的驱动程序时,本人利用TIM1的channel1,2生成了三路互补的PWM波形,定时器驱动程序(The advanced timer TIM1 of TM32 can generate complementary PWM, and it can enable or close the output of PWM through the setting of related regi
- 三路互补输出,stm32f407三路互补输出(Three way complementary output,stm32f407)
- 可根据控制输出量大小根据互补pwm原理调节占空比改变输出pwm参数,改变电机电压实现对电机转速和位置的控制