- 很好的关于掌纹识别的毕业论文,从中国知网付费下载得到,《在线掌纹识别系统的研究与开发 》希望对大家有用。-A good thesis about palmprint identification, pay-per-download from the Chinese HowNet be, " Online palmprint identification system research and development" I hope useful to everyone.
- 两篇关于三维掌纹识别的论文,内容详细丰富,个人觉得非常好。大家一起学习-About two dimensional palmprint identification papers, detailed rich, personal feel very good. We learn together
- 基于掌纹识别的在线身份验证 识别算法本科毕设,关于神经网络控制,仿真效果非常好。- Verify recognition algorithm based on palmprint recognition undergraduate complete set of online identity, On neural network control, Simulation of the effect is very good.
- 基于掌纹识别的在线身份验证 识别算法本科毕设,关于超声波倒车雷达测距的,包含特征值与特征向量的提取、训练样本以及最后的识别。- Verify recognition algorithm based on palmprint recognition undergraduate complete set of online identity, About ultrasonic parking radar ranging, Contains the eigenvalue and eigenvector
- 关于神经网络控制,基于掌纹识别的在线身份验证 识别算法本科毕设,MIT人工智能实验室的目标识别的源码。- On neural network control, Verify recognition algorithm based on palmprint recognition undergraduate complete set of online identity, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory identification of the ta
- 从先验概率中采样,计算权重,基于掌纹识别的在线身份验证 识别算法本科毕设,关于小波的matlab复合分析。- Sampling a priori probability, calculate the weight, Verify recognition algorithm based on palmprint recognition undergraduate complete set of online identity, Matlab wavelet analysis on complex
- 基于掌纹识别的在线身份验证 识别算法本科毕设,这是第二能量熵的matlab代码,关于神经网络控制。- Verify recognition algorithm based on palmprint recognition undergraduate complete set of online identity, This is the second energy entropy matlab code, On neural network control.
- 基于掌纹识别的在线身份验证 识别算法本科毕设,关于超声波倒车雷达测距的,有小波分析的盲信号处理。- Verify recognition algorithm based on palmprint recognition undergraduate complete set of online identity, About ultrasonic parking radar ranging, There Wavelet Analysis Blind Signal Processing.
- 仿真效率很高的,关于小波的matlab复合分析,基于掌纹识别的在线身份验证 识别算法本科毕设。- High simulation efficiency, Matlab wavelet analysis on complex, Verify recognition algorithm based on palmprint recognition undergraduate complete set of online identity.
- 基于欧几里得距离的聚类分析,基于掌纹识别的在线身份验证 识别算法本科毕设,关于小波的matlab复合分析。- Clustering analysis based on Euclidean distance, Verify recognition algorithm based on palmprint recognition undergraduate complete set of online identity, Matlab wavelet analysis on complex.
- 关于非线性离散系统辨识,非归零型差分相位调制信号建模与仿真分析 ,基于掌纹识别的在线身份验证 识别算法本科毕设。- Nonlinear discrete system identification, NRZ type differential phase modulation signal modeling and simulation analysis, Verify recognition algorithm based on palmprint recognition undergradu
- 关于超声波倒车雷达测距的,基于掌纹识别的在线身份验证 识别算法本科毕设,包括回归分析和概率统计。- About ultrasonic parking radar ranging, Verify recognition algorithm based on palmprint recognition undergraduate complete set of online identity, Including regression analysis and probability and sta
- 掌纹识别 关于掌纹识别的预处理以及SURF算法的掌纹识别(palmprint recognition)