- 基于动三轴试验数据的地震动反应分析中阻尼比和动剪切模量比的双曲线图模型-Based on dynamic triaxial vibration response test data analysis damping ratio and dynamic shear modulus ratio of hyperbolic graph model
- 给定离散地震动加速度数据a、反应谱控制周期点tp、离散时间间隔dt、阻尼比z,计算地震动加速度反应谱rspa以及最大反应值出现的时刻tMax。-Given the discrete ground-motion acceleration data a, the response spectral controlling period tp, the discrete time distance dt, and the damping ratio z, calculate the ground-mo
- 由地震动数据计算绝对加速度反应谱,相对速度反应谱,相对位移反应谱(The absolute acceleration response spectrum, relative velocity response spectrum and relative displacement response spectrum are calculated from ground motion data)
- 可以处理来自日本的大批量地震动,可以解决大量求解地震动数据得到PGA,并可以用于求解其他参数。(This programm can be used to compute the ground motion data from Japan , from which we can compute the PGA and we can compute other parameters by altering my programm.)
- 采用matab语言计算地震动记录,得到11种在地震工程中需要运用的参数,适用于日本K-net和Kik-net的数据,也适用于peer数据库的数据,只需要少量修改即可。(computing the ground motion parameters using the algorithm provided by litereatures , we can compute 11 parameters ,including PGA, PGV ,PGD,SA,SV,SD and so on.)