- IEEE standard Verilog HDL1364-2001.pdf Verilog 学习必备资料-IEEE standard Verilog HDL1364-2001.pdfVerilog learning essential information
- 这是一个很好的学习GSM理论的初级资料,非常实用,是一家国内知名通信公司内部培训资料-This is a very good learning the theory of primary GSM data, very useful, is a well-known communications company internal training materials
- FPGA学习上机资料,包括详细的学习文档,代码资料,工程文件,是新手入门的好资料。文件中包含了3个PDF文件,详细讲述了开发环境,入门的各种注意点-FPGA-on learning information, including a detailed study and documentation, code data, engineering documents, is a novice a good data entry.
- 这是一系列关于QTP学习的资料,是pdf格式的。-This is a series of information on the QTP study is pdf format.
- EJB框架学习资料与具体操作的实现代码包括会话bean,持久性,安全等-EJB framework of the learning materials and concrete actions to achieve code includes a session bean, persistence, security,
- lisp入门书籍,主要是emacs的配置。深入学习的话还可以自己搜寻更多的lisp资料。-gnu lisp introductory books, mainly emacs configuration. In-depth study, you can also search for more lisp their own information.
- erlang 开发 入门学习资料 pdf-Introduction to learning materials development erlang pdf
- HTML5相关技术简介的pdf资料 介绍的挺全面的,就是没有相关的代码,主要是技术的交流,还是需要自己多看多学习啊,否则就这样也是没大由用的。-html 5 redrouttion and technology pdf
- MATLAB的学习,PDF资料,很适合新手的学习资料,希望可以采取,谢谢,万分感谢。-It can be use to learn MATLAB.
matlab 给的深度学习入门
- matlab官方给的深度学习入门参考资料,PDF格式,浅显易懂,很适合新手入门(Matlab official to the depth of learning introductory reference materials, PDF format, easy to understand, it is suitable for beginners)
Fundamentals of Deep Learning [PDF,2017]
- 这个是人工智能种深度学习比较权威的资料,也是深度学习的基础知识。(This is a kind of artificial intelligence, depth study more authoritative information, but also the basic knowledge of deep learning)
- Android应用案例开发大全.pdf Android学习系列教程实例.pdf(Android application case development and Examples of learning tutorials on Android)
- 用于51单片机的了解开发与学习,内含相关学习PDF,视频,以及相关历程和源代码(For 51 MCU development and learning, including related learning PDF, video, and related processes and source code)
Shell脚本学习指南 中文PDF版
- shell脚本的学习查询资料,从入门到熟练,并附有UNIX指令可供学习(Learning and query data of shell scr ipt)
- 李宏毅教授深度学习入门ppt,想涉猎深度学习的看这个资料~(Introduction to deep learning ppt)
- UC Berkeley 大学学习扩展卡尔曼滤波和无迹卡尔曼滤波的pdf资料(A PDF file of UC Berkeley for learning EKF and UKF)
《TCP IP网络编程》.((韩)尹圣雨).[PDF]
- 零基础学习网络编程优质教程,含大量源码 尹圣雨著(Zero basic learning network programming high quality tutorial, containing a large number of source code Yin Shengyu)
01-野火ISO PDF教程
- 整理的基于野火学习板的stm32资料,含程序代码、pdf教程、原理图、软件、手册资料(This package is including the learning doc./program and others something about YeHuo STM32)
- 深度学习-MIT资料 里面介绍了很多深度学习的知识从最简单的回归问题到最深刻的神经网络深入浅出(Deep learning -MIT information introduces a lot of deep learning knowledge from the simplest regression to the deepest neural network.)
- 该材料适合机器学习,具有详细的代码和相应的参考书籍,非常适合初学者学习(This material is suitable for machine learning, with detailed code and corresponding reference books. It is very suitable for beginners to learn.)