- 利用邻域粗糙集的属性约简: 从数值数据计算约简,属性数据和它们的混合物与邻域粗糙集。 两种邻域的使用:清晰和模糊。-Use of neighborhood rough set attribute reduction: reduction from numerical data, attribute data and their mixtures with neighborhood rough set. The use of two kinds of neighborhoods: clea
- 主要是提供各种单质、化合物、混合物的物理内禀属性-Mainly to provide a variety of single substances, compounds, the intrinsic physical properties of the mixture
Fluent UDF教程+Ansys Fluent 14.0 UDF手册
- 水蒸气与空气按质量分数混合后的物性参数质量加权平均——fluent udf 源文件(The mass average of the physical parameters of the mixture of water vapor and air by mass fraction)