- 牛顿法的程序实现: 给的函数是f(x)=X*X-C 求导函数为ff() 也是在程序中已给定 若要修改则在程序中更改
- 算法计算
- 一个用拟牛顿算法求解优化问题的程序,此程序为MATLAB程序,大家用前自己注意检查一下,A Quasi-Newton algorithm using optimization procedures, the procedures for the MATLAB program, we pay attention to before their own check
- 摘要:为了克服一般的非线性优化算法对初始值的依赖,针对某一地区单一重现期暴雨强度公式参数计算问题,首先将Lingo 软件编程求出的结果作为初始值,然后利用拟牛顿算法对其参数进行优化。实例计算结果表明:采用Lingo 软件和拟牛顿法相结 合的方法求解单一重现期暴雨强度公式比传统的方法精度更高,能有效解决实际优化设计问题。
- 非常经典的牛顿算法,已经验证通过,我考试就是用的这个程序,带有注释,非常好理解。-Very classical Newton algorithm, has already been verified, I test is used in this process, with notes, a very good understanding.
- 我自己写的高斯牛顿算法,已经通过了测试。有需要的朋友可以下载。-I wrote it myself Gauss-Newton algorithm, has passed the test. A friend in need can be downloaded.
- 仿真了LMS算和和牛顿算法以及最速下降算法有图形可以清楚的看到几个算法的收敛速度的快慢-Calculation and simulation of the LMS and Newton algorithm and the steepest descent algorithm can clearly see several graphical convergence of the algorithm for the pace of
- 牛顿算法,用于求迭代方程的解,数值分析用-Newton algorithm for seeking solutions of iterative equations, numerical analysis using
- 最优化算法之一,拟牛顿法,亦称BFGS法,用于求解极值问题,具有二次收敛性-One of the most optimization algorithms, quasi-Newton method, also known as BFGS method for solving extremum problems, with quadratic convergence
- 拟牛顿算法,H矩阵由秩1算法得到,一维搜索由ArmigoGoldstein实现-Quasi-Newton algorithm, H matrix by the rank 1 algorithm, to achieve one-dimensional search by the ArmigoGoldstein
- 基本牛顿法是一种是用导数的算法,它每一步的迭代方向都是沿着当前点函数值下降的方向。(The basic Newton method is a derivative algorithm, in which the direction of each iteration is in the direction of the decrease of the function value at the current point.)
修正牛顿法 Matlab 程序
- 牛顿法进行修正. 修正的途径之一是将牛顿法和最速下降法结合起来, 构造 所谓的“牛顿-最速下降混合算法”,(One way of correction is to combine Newton method with steepest descent method The Newton steepest descent hybrid algorithm is called",)
- 由于实际问题的精确极小点一般是不知道的, 因此初始点的选取给算法的实 际操作带来了很大的困难. 为了克服这一困难, 可引入线搜索技术以得到大范围 收敛的算法, 即所谓的阻尼牛顿法(Since the exact minimum points of the actual problem are generally unknown, the selection of the initial points is given to the algorithm In order to overcom
- 在工业应用中PID及其衍生算法是应用最广泛的算法之一,是当之无愧的万能算法,如果能够熟练掌握PID算法的设计与实现过程,对于一般的研发人员来讲,应该是足够应对一般研发问题了,而难能可贵的是,在我所接触的控制算法当中,PID控制算法又是最简单,最能体现反馈思想的控制算法,可谓经典中的经典。经典的未必是复杂的,经典的东西常常是简单的,而且是最简单的,想想牛顿的力学三大定律吧,想想爱因斯坦的质能方程吧,何等的简单!简单的不是原始的,简单的也不是落后的,简单到了美的程度。(PID and its der
- 最小二乘法和牛顿方法的一些简单资料,对于理解算法有点帮助(i have limit capicaticy for using machine learning,i hope i will impove a lot in the future)
- 欧拉法解常微分方程和牛顿插值法,是数值分析中的经典算法,适合初学者。(Euler solutions of ordinary differential equations and newton interpolation are the classic algorithms, they are suitable for beginners.)
常规潮流算法-牛拉法-直角坐标 - 最小化潮流
- 将数学规划原理和常规潮流计算相有机结合,形成的带有最优乘子的牛顿算法(Combining the mathematical programming principle with the conventional power flow calculation, the Newton algorithm with the optimal multiplier is formed)
- 牛顿迭代求根遗传退火算法的APP打包,十分实用,适合新手(The Numerical Phenomenon in Newton's Iterative Method for Solving Complex Polynomials)
- 提供了几种低阶次的牛顿-科特斯积分算法,可以直接使用将实验得到的数据进行积分(Several low-order Newton-Cortez integral algorithms are provided that can be used directly to integrate the experimental data)
- 解决了最小无约束优化问题 步长由ARmijo非精确一维搜索生成,迭代方向分别由最速下降法,阻尼牛顿法,共轭梯度法,拟牛顿法(BFGS)产生(This code solves the minimum unconstrained optimization problem, and the step size is generated by ARmijo inexact one-dimensional search. The iterative directions are generated b