- Schrodinger Equation 数值计算中的方程-Schrodinger Equation numerical calculation equation
- 一个非常好用的计算非线性薛定谔方程的小软件,A very useful calculation of nonlinear Schr枚dinger equation of small software
- 利用分步傅立叶积分法,求解薛定谔方程,可以计算光纤中色散与SPM-This file solves the nonlinear Schrodinger equation for propagation in an optical fiber using the split-step Fourier method described
- 利用分步傅立叶积分法,求解薛定谔方程,可以用于计算光纤中色散与SPM-This file solves the nonlinear Schrodinger equation for propagation in an optical fiberusing the split-step Fourier method described
- 可以计算非线性薛定愕方程的exe程序,代码是matlab的- This program is a simple introduction to the Fast Fourier Transform Analytic and numerical solution are take into account. The code(MATLAB) can be used to simulate Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation (NLSE)
- 光学波导理论计算,通过各种不同的计算方法解决波导中各种麦克斯韦方程和薛定谔方程,-Introduction to Optical Waveguide Analysis,Through a variety of different calculation methods to solve Maxwell s equations in a variety of waveguide and the Schrodinger equation
- 利用分步傅立叶积分法,求解薛定谔方程,可以计算光纤中色散与自相位调制效应-This file solves the nonlinear Schrodinger equation for propagation in an optical fiber using the split-step Fourier method described.
- 这些资料是各种关于Matlab和C++来计算薛定谔方程的数值计算方法,包括含时的和几种典型的外场下的数值方法-This information is all about Matlab and C++ to calculate the numerical method for the Schrodinger equation, including the time-and some typical numerical methods under field
- 这个程序只合适计算k=1 (也就是Lcd=1),对于其他k值,一些参数要做适当变化。这也是soliton format 不宜用于非线性耦合开关的一个原因。它使问题复杂化。这个程序是计算孤子格式化下的非线性薛定格方程组,程序中的方程与我们之前的博文提供的程序的方程不同。我们当初做这个仿真的目的,一方面要重复 S. Trillo, S. Wabnitz, E. M. Wright and G. I. Stegman, 在他们论文“Soliton switching in fiber nonlinea
- 计算光纤里的非线性光束传播,解薛定谔方程,包含了二阶色散、损耗等,功能很强大-Calculation of the nonlinear beam propagation in the fiber, solving the Schrodinger equation, including second-order dispersion, loss, very powerful
- 石墨烯量子态密度计算,采用紧束缚近似以及薛定谔方程,计算态密度-Graphene quantum state density calculated using the tight-binding approximation and the Schrodinger equation to calculate the density of states
- 计算非线性光纤中的主导方程,非线性薛定谔方程的数值代码。-This is a code to solve the nonlineared Schrodinger equation numerically, which is the govenning equation in a nonlieared optical fiber.
- 计算非线性薛定谔方程工具箱,详细给出了运行中脉冲的变化,运行成功-Calculate the nonlinear Schrodinger equation toolbox gives the changes in detail the operation of the pulse, running successfully
- 用C语言编写的,并行运算,计算的是非线性薛定谔方程,是非线性光学的基础-Written in C, parallel computing, computing the nonlinear schrodinger equation, is the basis of nonlinear optics
- 非线性薛定谔方程的数值求解,并计算脉冲的展宽-Numerical solution of nonlinear Schrodinger equation, and the broadening of the pulse is calculated.
compute the Schrodinger equation
- 计算非线性强迫的薛定谔方程,用于包络孤立子理论(Caculate the Forcing Nonlinear Scrodinger Equation)
NLS (original)
- Matlab计算非线性薛定谔方程的分布傅立叶算法(split step fourier method for nonlinear Schrodinger equation)
- 用Matlab程序求解计算物理中使用到的方程,包括:薛定谔方程、傅立叶变换、波函数求解等等(Matlab file is used to describe and solve the equations in the computational physics, including, Schrodinger equation, Fourier transform, wave function solution, etc.)
- 计算NLSE 非线性薛定谔方程 光子元件 模拟(Calculation of NLSE nonlinear Schrodinger equation photon element simulation)