- 四旋翼飞行器下位机,用于KK飞控的固件烧录或者是供读者研究交流-KK DRIVER program for aviator
- 多轴飞行器 mega2560 APM2.8固件源码-ArdupilotMegaPlanne ArduCopter-2.8.1
- 详细说明:APM固件 四轴飞行器Arduino飞控板的功能包含固件功能:(1)空中悬停;(2)一键返航;(3)飞行姿态控制。-APM firmware quadrocopter Arduino board flight control functions include firmware functions: (1) hovering in the air (2) a key return (3) attitude control.
- 关于四轴飞行器的固件,属于最新的版本sAbout four-axis aircraft firmware belonging latest version s-About four-axis aircraft firmware belonging latest version s
- 姿态解算融合,是Crazepony和核心算法 使用的是Mahony互补滤波算法,没有使用Kalman滤波算法(The fusion of attitude calculation is Crazepony and the core algorithm The Mahony complementary filtering algorithm is used, and the Kalman filtering algorithm is not used)
- 为APM,Pixhawk飞控升级最新版本固件; 对飞控进行配置,调整参数以达到最优的性能; 可以在Google或者其它地图上进行点击式的飞行路径规划设置,并将自动航线飞行任务上传至飞控; 可以将飞控上记录的飞行日志下载下来并进行分析; 可以和PC上的飞行模拟器软件进行交互,来实现一个无人机的半实物仿真功能; 在拥有合适的数传电台的情况下,你可以: 1.在操作飞行器的时候同时监测它的状态; 2.通过无线数据传输可以记录下比板载日志功能更多的信息;
1 , MiniFly V1.0
- MiniFly V1.0为固件1.0源码,硬件平台为是STM32,算法包括欧拉角计算以及四轴飞行器的平衡算法以及PID调节算法,编译通过。(MiniFly V1.0 is the firmware 1 source code, the hardware platform is STM32, the algorithm includes the Euler angle calculation and the four axis aircraft balancing algorithm and th
2 , MiniFly V1.1
- MiniFly V1.1为固件1.1源码,为V1.0的算法优化版本,硬件平台为是STM32,算法包括欧拉角计算以及四轴飞行器的平衡算法以及PID调节算法,编译通过。(MiniFly V1.1 is the firmware 1 source code, the hardware platform is STM32, the algorithm includes the Euler angle calculation and the four axis aircraft balancing alg
MiniFly V1.1
- MiniFly四轴飞行器固件1.1源码:包括STM32F411源码和STM32F103源码(MiniFly Four axis aircraft firmware 1.1 source code Include STM32F411 source code and STM32F103 source code)