- When working with mathematical simulations or engineering problems, it is not unusual to handle curves that contains thousands of points. Usually, displaying all the points is not useful, a number of them will be rendered on the same pixel since the
- C code for \"Computational Geometry in C (Second Edition)\": Code function Chapter pointer directory ----------------------------------------------------- Triangulate Chapter 1, Code 1.14 /tri Convex Hull(2D) Chapter 3, Code 3.8 /graham Convex Hull(
- 2D欧拉方程在凸包区域解,在vc中实现编程-2D Euler equations in the convex hull of regional solutions to achieve programming in vc
- c语言计算几何 三角化 Ch1, Code 1.14 凸形外壳[2D] Ch3, Code 3.8 凸形外壳[3D] Ch4, Code 4.8 球 Chapter 4, Fig. 4.15 德劳内类型 Ch5, Code 5.2 ...See *English version.-\Computational Geometry in C\ the book s recipe Triangulate Chapter 1, Code 1.14 /tri Convex
- 由一堆离散点,自动生成它的最小外包多边形,及凸壳。-By a bunch of discrete points, it is automatically generated out of the smallest polygon, and the Convex Hull.
- source code for 2d vector in delphi
- 有关2D凸包的算法,1. 排序更简单,只是简单的比较,没有运算. 2. 起始点更好找,就是排序后的第一个点. 3. 可以很好地处理特殊情况(共线).-The 2D convex hull algorithm, 1. Sorting easier, just a simple comparison, there is no operation. 2. To find a better starting point, that is sort of a point after the fir
- C++ code. Realization of an algorithm for finding an 2D convex hull polygon for input set of 2D points (with glut).
- 用于AUTO CAD里画的船体二维型线图上展开外板的插件-Expand the plug of the outer plate on the hull painting used for AUTO CAD 2D chart
- CONVEX_HULL is a MATLAB library which reads a file containing the coordinates of a set of points in 2D, computes the convex hull of the points, and displays it.
- FASTGEO 2D/3D Computational Geometry Algorithms Release Version 5.0.1 Author: Arash Partow 1997-2005 Copyright notice: Free use of the FastGEO computational geometry library is permitted under the guidelines and in accordance wit
- 运用角度来生成任意二维点集的凸包,并用OpenGL显示-the generation of the hull in 2D
- C++ Implementation of the convex-hull algorithm for a list of 2D points. Based on the quick-hull algorithm.