- Water is a small mini project inspired by a post in my message forum. The post was talking about whether or not it would be possible to create a water effect by modifying the waving flag tutorial. I stripped the flag of it s texture, put stars in the
- 三层BP神经网络实现简单异或问题,语言编程,在一篇文献上看到的,自己改了改,可以运行。如果要实现其他功能,可以改一下输入数据。-3 layers BP neural network used Visual Basic
- TI 的协议栈说明和安装,里面有各个层的说明,各个层的原语说明,TI Descr iption of the protocol stack and the installation, there are various layers that each layer of the original language that
- MBUS协议 The bus communication system of EN1434-3 is commonly called M-Bus. Its application layer describes a standard especially for meter readout. It can be used with various physical layers and with link layers and network layers which supp
- 没有颜色的代码出现, 那它的颜色就是bylayer。 要确切知道其颜色,查询图层设置的颜色-There is no color code appears, it is the color of bylayer. To know exactly the color, the color set query layers
- To support the varying Quality-of-Service (QoS) requirements of emerging applications such as those involving continuous media, a new standard IEEE 802.11e has been specified [1]. This standard aims to support QoS by providing differentiated classes
- 简单的网上商城应用系统(easyshop),完成如下模块:购物车模块,用户注册登录模块,用户信息管理模块,商品目录管理模块,订单管理模块,访问统计模块,新闻管理模块等。系统采用四层架构,MVC模式 开发工具:MyEclipse 6.0.1 Tomcat6,MySQL5.0,windowsXP,Hibernate3.3,Ant 5.0 (界面比较简单,功能实现的差不多,主要是对各工具的熟悉练习)-Shopping Cart, Users log in and register, User
- ICE(Internet Communications Engine)是ZeroC提供的一款高性能的中间件,基于ICE可以实现电信级的解决方案。在设计网站架构的时候可以使用ICE实现对网站应用的基础对象操作,将基础对象操作和数据库操作封装在这一层,在业务逻辑层以及表现层(java,php,.net,python)进行更丰富的表现与操作,从而实现比较好的架构。基于ICE的数据层可以在未来方便的进行扩展。ICE支持分布式的部署管理,消息中间件,以及网格计算等等。 -ICE (Internet Com
- Next generation mobile networks are expected to provide service to intelligent terminals with different categories. To fully optimize wireless networks, we argue that applications demands should be taken into account given the current channel and net
- 3 layers CODE IN C_SHARP.
- Program Tree layers To Learning Three layers a Coffee house, three layers cafe, 3 layers, Jacksonville, Florida, Coffee Shop, Desserts. -Program Tree layers To Learning Three layers a Coffee house, three layers cafe, 3 layers, Jacksonville, Florida,
- Fill in the numbers 1 through 27 in the cube layers at left so that the sum of the following 31 sets of 3 numbers each are all identical
- c语言写的象棋游戏,采用搜索剪枝算法,搜索深度为3层-chess game written in c language, the use of search pruning algorithm, the search depth of 3 layers
- 给定一信号,用db1对信号分别进行单尺度和三尺度分解,求出各层分解的低频系数和高频系数,并分别对低频信号和高频信号进行重构,-Given a signal, the signal separately with db1-scale and three single-scale decomposition, the decomposition of low-frequency coefficients obtained layers and high-frequency coefficients,
- 这是一个51单片机的菜单设计例程,使用时要做一些修改-This is a menu of 51 single-chip design examples, used to do some modifications
- RT-Thread已经包括了LPC1768的基本移植,通常RT-Thread的做法是,只提供独立的工程,并且在工程中力图把最多的特性都打开了,而不是类似一些做开发板的,循序渐进的提供一些例子。当然,在RT-Thread极为优秀的剪裁能力基础上,能够化繁为简,或层层叠加形成一个复杂的系统: >>使能LwIP TCP/IP网络组件,仅需要在rtconfig.h中定义RT_USING_LWIP宏。 -RT-Thread LPC1768 has been included in th
- RT-Thread已经包括了LPC1768的基本移植,通常RT-Thread的做法是,只提供独立的工程,并且在工程中力图把最多的特性都打开了,而不是类似一些做开发板的,循序渐进的提供一些例子。当然,在RT-Thread极为优秀的剪裁能力基础上,能够化繁为简,或层层叠加形成一个复杂的系统: >>使能LwIP TCP/IP网络组件,仅需要在rtconfig.h中定义RT_USING_LWIP宏。 -RT-Thread LPC1768 has been included in th
- Training a 3 layers feed forward neural network using back propagation algorithm
- 51MCU 3层吊兰(电梯)程序,通过并口采集数据-51MCU 3 layers of Chlorophytum (elevator) program, collecting data through the parallel port
- 采用三层架构开发,前台集成了产品在线展示,用户注册、在线调查、在线投稿 -3 layers structure,front-end & back-end, user regester and vote on line