- [程序语言] IE3, IE4, IE5, NS3, NS4+ [功能描述] 生成和解决迷宫问题的Java小程序,可以在支持java的浏览器中运行。迷宫以三维形式显示在窗口中。 你可以按下相应的按钮,“New”生成一个新的迷宫,“Solve”按钮用于显示求解一个迷宫问题的路径,“Clear”按钮清除解决迷宫问题的路径。 一旦生成迷宫后,你也可以自己用手工来求解它的路径,你可以使用四个箭头键来画出其路径。 对于每个迷宫问题
- Sonyericsson_Mobile_java_3D.pdf开发3d手机游戏的很好的材料-Sonyericsson_Mobile_java_3D.pdf development 3d hand a good game for the materials
- A 3D hand, made in OpenGL-hand, made in OpenGL
- MultiAnimation  Sample这个例子展示了使用高级shader语言、蒙皮技术和D3DX动画控制器的多动画集的Mesh动画。动画控制器用来混合动画集,以确保从一个动画到另一个动画的平滑转换。<IMG onmouseover=\"if(this.title) {this.style.cursor=hand }\" onclick=\"if(this.title) {window.open(http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/d
- Cheat Engine is an open source tool designed to give you the upper hand in games, but also contains other usefull tools to help debugging games and even normal applications. It comes with a memory scanner to quickly scan for variables used withi
- 通过mfc制作的3d机械手臂,可以通过1-6不同数字键来移动或旋转手臂不同位置,通过q和e来左右移动屏幕,通过鼠标滑鼠来改变屏幕图像大小.-3d robot hand made by mfc. use 1-6 number to move or rotate different position of it, q and e to move the scene left or right, mouse slip to change the size of it
- 一个3D的手模型,可以实现手指的转动和各个关节的限定。-A 3D hand model, can be achieved and various finger joints limit rotation.
- 一个非常顶尖儿的p2p软件,其中的效率非常的高-Game companies and game development process framework outlined the basic concepts of 【2010-01-16 23:58】 game companies generally refers to the game development company or game publishers, agents. That game companies need to de
- a real-time 3D pointing gesture recognition algorithm for natural human-robot interaction (HRI). The recognition errors in previous pointing gesture recognition algorithms are mainly caused by the low performance of the hands tracking module
- real-time 3D pointing gesture recognition algorithm for natural human-robot interaction (HRI). The recognition errors in previous pointing gesture recognition algorithms are mainly caused by the low performance of the hands tracking module an
- cocos3d框架是一个针对IOS平台上复杂的3D应用开发框架。这个文档是使用cocos3d引擎的简单编程指南,描述了该框架的构件,并提供了开发IOS平台上基于cocos3d框架的指导和最佳实践。-The cocos3d framework is a sophisticated 3D application development framework for the iOS platform. This document describes the framework components an
- 5D手套的驱动程序 用5DT手套可以控制虚拟手。实现准去,触摸等功能。 -the code of 5dt glove in java 3d . you can control a virtual hand in the java3d with this program
- 基于QT平台的3D魔方,利用OPENGL库函数,魔方是3X3阶 能自由和手控旋转 有背景图片和音乐-OPENGL library functions, based on the the QT platform for 3D Cube, Rubik' s Cube 3X3 order freely and hand control rotating background images and music
- 以空间机器人在轨服务为背景,建立了卫星在轨自维护系统的地面遥操作平台.远端由安装 在卫星本体上的一个四自由度机器人和灵巧手的臂/手系统组成,当卫星出现故障时,遥操作者通 过空间鼠标和力反馈数据手套分别控制远端的臂/手系统排除卫星故障,实现卫星的自我维护.对 于地面一太空之间通讯的大时延,利用3D图形预测仿真技术克服时延的影响,并采用虚拟夹具法提 高遥操作系统的安全性和操作性能.在大时延及变时延(约7 s)的条件下,实现了武汉遥操作哈尔 滨的自维护机器人臂/手系统,成功地完成了
- html5的3d手势展示,包括js及html文件等。-html5 3d hand
- The goal of this thesis to study the different techniques used to register 3D acquisitions. This study detects the main drawbacks of the existing techniques, presents a new classification and provides significant solutions for some perceived sh
- 这是一个基于openGl制作的一个手势识别程序(This is a 3D hand model developed mainly for vision-based hand motion analysis. The hand model is modeled as a set of rigid quadratic surfaces, and has 27 degrees-of-freedom (DoFs) including 6 DoFs of global motion and 21 DoFs
- 这是一款十分炫酷的HTML5 3D书本翻页动画,效果相对比较简单,拖拽鼠标模拟用手翻页,更漂亮的是翻页过程中,呈现出逼真的3D立体效果。书本中的文字和图片也会3D展示,非常酷。(This is a very cool HTML5 3D book page animation, the effect is relatively simple, drag the mouse simulation by hand page, more beautiful is the flip process, sh
- 自己写的一个骰子,进行了蒙皮,新手上道,请多指教(I wrote a die, a skin, a new hand.Please kindly advise)
- 常用的三维点云数据,手的三维数据可以用MATLAB和PCL打开。(Common 3D point cloud data)