- 利用Flash as3.0中x,y,z坐标系做的一个伪3D赛车游戏-The use of Flash as3.0 in x, y, z coordinate system to do a pseudo-3D racing game
- 一個java操作opengl做3D的好東西-Java opengl operating a good thing to do 3D
- 二维,三维分形图的生成算法,技术,一些典型实例-2D,3D graphics producing algorithms, technical methods, and some important examples.
- Sandy是一个Flash 3D引擎,可以用于Actionscr ipt2.0,Actionscr ipt3.0和haXe中。-Sandy is a Flash 3D engine, available in 3 versions: AS2, AS3 and haXe。
- 《Java 3D编程》的源代码,包括说明文件-Manning_-_Java_3D_Programming sample source code
- Source code of OSG. The OpenSceneGraph is a fast high level method of generating 3D computer graphics. As such it has a large number of powerful concepts embodied in its nodes, all of which deserve some descr iption.
- 交互式的matlab plot绘图工具,绘制二维三维图形.-QPLOT interactive ploting program Qplot opens a standadr MATLAB figure with three options added to the menu bar: Qfile, Qoptions and Qgraph. Under Qfile you can read data files (text or Excel). Under Qoptions you can
- 这是ZN5手机linux环境最新的SDK,不是官方的,是3D大侠开发,开源。-This is the ZN5 mobile linux environment, the latest SDK, not official, is the 3D heroes the development of open source.
- 一个使用QT编写的三维函数图形程序,输入z=f(x,y)的表达式即可画出函数图像,使用openGL编程-The preparation of a three-dimensional function using the QT graphics program, type z = f (x, y) function, the expression can draw images, use the openGL programming
- 给出三维点云的X,Y,Z坐标,重构出三维图像,其中用到了三角网格法和规则化坐标法。-Given 3D point cloud X, Y, Z coordinates, three-dimensional reconstructed images, which uses a triangular coordinate grid method and rules of law.
- 工业控制类界面用的三维的动态显示曲线控件,工控有用。-Dynamic display of three-dimensional curve control, industrial usefulness.
- Generate a 3D point plot of L=(x,y,z) using the values in the vector c to determine the color of each point. If c is empty, then z (column 3 of L) is used to color the plot. The data points are sorted so that plot3 is only called once for each
- 一个 3D 的全景漫游程序,它包含了制作 3D 游戏的许多基本技巧,例如:Z 缓冲, 纹理映射, 矩阵, 多角形排序和移动背景。程序中的 3D 世界包括一架飞机和一条小船和一些树,这样您将容易理解代码并自行修改为您需要的。-3D panorama of a roaming procedure, which includes the production of many basic skills in 3D games, for example: Z buffering, texture mapp
- A 3D transformation program for doing following operations : Translation, scaling, rotation about x-axis, rotation about Y-axis and rotation about Z-axis in OPENGL.
- 。在单幅影像中,首 先将平行线分成分别平行于X 、Y、Z 坐标轴线的“三组”平行线,然后利用间接平差,求得它们的灭点X ∞、Y∞、Z ∞ 进而求取影像的内方位元素x0 、y0 、f 与三个角元素φ、ω、κ。并在假定房屋长度为L 基础上,同时解求影像的摄站 坐标XS 、YS 、ZS 与房屋的宽度W、高度H, 从而实现房屋的三维重建。-. In the single image, were first divided into parallel lines parallel to th
- Writes a 3D (x,y,z,u,v,w) vector field to a binary VTK file for Paraview.
- 3d polygon mesh retiler
- 3D PLOT USING MATLAB IN PSCAD WARNING * This case only works if you use the Compaq/Intel Fortran Compiler. A T_D_PLOT component. It provides the interface to a MATLAB function t_d_plot . It is a user-defined function and the m-fi
- Face recognition code to recognize 3d faces using Open CV
小Z键盘钢琴 1.0
- 小Z键盘钢琴是一款完全免费、绿色小巧又带点强大的电脑模拟钢琴软件。 小Z键盘钢琴软件特点: 1.内置自动识别键盘按键,不怕热键修改后,歌曲会识别错误。 2.内置记录功能,让你听听自己弹奏的钢琴曲。 3.内置两种模式:① 非活动窗口下亦可弹,方便大人一边上网,小孩一边弹琴。 ② 只允许活动窗口下弹奏,方便聊天,打字。 4 内置128种乐器供选择,还有音调,让你的弹奏显得更专业更逼真。 本软件的音响效果由directX 3D接口合成,非网上流行的flash键盘钢琴改编,软件的扩