- 用乘同余法 ,产生(-1,1)均匀分布的随机序列,给出数据并画图
- 串口发送接收数据。可配置端口,波特率等。 发送可选择ASCII方式或HEX方式。 中断方式接收数据。 可以通过ADC和MCU可以把数据通过 串口直接发送到PC上让MATLAB分析-receiving data. Configurable ports, baud rate, and so on. Send option HEX or ASCII mode. Interrupt receiving data. Through the MCU and ADC data can b
- National Instruments LabView software has a native file format called LabView Measurement File (LVM, extension .lvm). This m-file, lvm_import.m, reads LVM files and imports the data into the MATLAB workspace. LVM is an ascii text file format, and t
- 用matlab实现ASCII和二进制码的互换,在matlab输入ASCII码字符或字符串即可,源文件里有详细的使用说明,一共有5个文件。,Matlab by ASCII and binary code to achieve the exchange, enter the ASCII code in matlab character or string can be, the source file, there are detailed instructions, a total of five
- 从CAD图形到matlab的自动转化。可以转换STL文档,已实现从AutoCAD和pro-E到matlab的转换-CAD2MATDEMO, a demonstration of importing 3D CAD data into Matlab. To get CAD data into Matlab, the process is: 1) Export the 3D CAD data as an ASCII STL (or Pro/E render SLP) file.
- STL文件读取程序(Matlab):可以将ASCII格式的STL文件中的数据点信息及网格拓扑信息读出,并显示在屏幕上--a MATLAB program which gets the name of an ASCII STL (Stereolithography) file from the user, reads the 3D graphics information stored in the file, and displays the structure on the screen
- STL文件读取程序(Matlab):可以将ASCII格式的STL文件中的数据点信息及网格拓扑信息读出,并显示在屏幕上-a MATLAB program which gets the name of an ASCII STL (Stereolithography) file from the user, reads the 3D graphics information stored in the file, and displays the structure on the screen.
- 用于图像处理的matlab工具包,由Peter Kovesi制作,主要包含特征提取,各项异性滤波,灰度转换、图像去噪等,对图像处理的人来说非常有用。 -MATLAB and Octave Functions for Computer Vision and Image Processing, including: Feature Detection via Phase Congruency Spatial Feature Detection Integral Im
- OBJ文件读取程序:可以读取ASCII格式OBJ后缀的3D图形文件中的数据信息,并显示在屏幕上-a MATLAB program which gets the name of an ASCII OBJ file from the user, reads the 3D graphics information stored in the file, and displays the structure on the screen
- hex to ascii convert scr ipt
- ps2 keyboard verilog source code, to support the ascii code. scan code output, the expansion of key output, press and release the information output
- Longitudinal Redundancy Check (LRC) for Modbus PLC Controllers using ASCII
- 信源函数 randerr 产生比特误差样本 randint 产生均匀分布的随机整数矩阵 randsrc 根据给定的数字表产生随机矩阵 wgn 产生高斯白噪声 信号分析函数 biterr 计算比特误差数和比特误差率 eyediagram 绘制眼图 scatterplot 绘制分布图 symerr 计算符号误差数和符号误差率 信源编码 compand mu律/A律 压缩/扩张 dpcmdeco DPCM(差分脉冲编码调制)解码 dpcmen
- Pass the Images Through Optics -- Use a Gaussian "Aperture Function" This code segement can use a measured aperture function just as easily - simply replace the next five lines by "load measured_aperture" where measured_aperture is the measur
- Matlab code with GUI for decoding ASCII characters into readable text
- ASCII matlab code for stract
- generated bit ascii using matlab code
- gridsdisplay是一个MATLAB程序,它可以读取两个用2D或3D格式定义网格或稀疏网格的ASCII文件。第一个网格是用空心的蓝色点绘制的,而第二个网格则是用实心的红点绘制的。图像会自动保存到PNG文件中。((GRIDS_DISPLAY is a MATLAB program which can read two ASCII files defining grids or sparse grids in 2D or 3D. The first grid is plotted "
- matlab 常用语言 命令 matlab commands and functions list abs 绝对值、模、字符的ASCII码值(matlab common language.)
- 通过matlab 编写stlwrite 程序(stlwrite - write ASCII or Binary STL files)