- Delve into the fundamental architectural principles and techniques for developing service-oriented AJAX applications for the enterprise. This guide offers a code-heavy, example-based approach to learning how to write a modern services API and an AJAX
- C#编写的YouTube API,用于在ASP.NET网页中嵌入视频播放器,提供多种定制选项。-YouTube API written in C# allows embedding video player into ASP.NET Web page, providing multiple customization options.
- The Ajax Data Controls is a DotNetSlackers project. Developed on top of Asp.net Ajax Extension, the main goal of this project is to provide rich set of data controls for Client Centric Development Model. Since the data controls of Asp.net like GridVi
- 这是一个asp.netMVC四种方法,ASP.NET MVC4和JSON.net,ASP.NET Web API是ASP.NET MVC 4 BETA版的一部分-This is a asp.netMVC four methods, ASP.NET MVC4 and JSON.net, ASP.NET Web API is part of the ASP.NET MVC 4 BETA version
- Ext.Net介绍: 是一组开源的Asp.net(WebForm,MVC)组件。基于Ext.Js库开发,含有100多个工具,如TextBox,Combox,Button,ToolBar,StateBar,Panel,TabPanel,ExplorerBar,MenuBar,PictureBox 等多种控件并支持Ajax无刷新效果。 下载地址: ***** 该内容需会员回复才可浏览 ***** 示例地址:[url=http://examples.ext.net/] **
- ROYcms!NT内容管理系统V1.0完整源码(VS2008+SQL2005) 利用ROYcms您可以很方便地创建自己的网站。ROYcms集文章、图片、分类信息、商城、广告系统、个人/企业空间、友情链接、公告、调查等10多个功能模块于一身,易用、扩展性强的ASP.NET开源网站管理软件,还可以和国内知名论坛及有API接口的各大系统进行完美整合,轻松实现用户在被整合的各系统里同时注册、同时登陆、同时注销、一站通行等,最大化满足互联网的应用。 V1.0 bate 源码更新时间:2009
- asp.net web api demo
- 用asp.net web api开发应用的例子,另一个学习的例子-asp.net web api develop applicatin example with asp.net
- NetAdvantage是目前为止最为完整的表示层组件集,它所提供的组件集可用于构建基于Windows应用程序、XML web services、和web解决方案的界面。无论是创建Microsoft环境下精美、强壮的GUI(图形用户界面)还是在COM、.NET或是ASP.NET环境下开发,NetAdvantage Suite都能提供适用的工具集,并结合了当今认知度最高的商业应用程序 -Microsoft Office、Windows和Outlook中的技巧和用法,使得GUI的创建变得更为轻松。功
- 用asp.net 开发应用的另一个较大的学习例子,用到了web api-develop a other lager applicatin example with asp.net and web api
- ASP .NET SignalR[1] 是一个ASP .NET 下的类库,可以在ASP .NET 的Web项目中实现实时通信。什么是实时通信的Web呢?就是让客户端(Web页面)和服务器端可以互相通知消息及调用方法,当然这是实时操作的。 WebSockets是HTML5提供的新的API,可以在Web网页与服务器端间建立Socket连接,当WebSockets可用时(即浏览器支持Html5)SignalR使用WebSockets,当不支持时SignalR将使用其它技术来保证达到相同效果。
- Example Single Page Application with HTML5, ASP.NET Web API, Knockout and jQuery
- ASP.NET Web API Self-Host Sample Source Code
- 基于Asp.Net MVC4.0 + WebAPI + Knockout 技术,采用EasyUI为前台开发展示UI,Knockout主要负责前端的逻辑交互,再结合jQuery Ajax进行提交数据请求,最新企业进销存管理系统源码分享,C#程序.net erp easyui mvc4项目代码,B/S框架开发,采用web easy ui开发框架,网站完全开源无任何加密,可直接使用或进行二次开发,Asp.net MVC架构开发(asp.net mvc + web api + easyui)(Asp.N
- Asp.Net + WebAPI + MVC4.0 based on Knockout technology, using EasyUI as the development of UI display, Knockout is mainly responsible for front-end interactive logic, combined with jQuery Ajax to submit data request, the new enterprise Invoicing mana
- Asp.Net + WebAPI + MVC4.0 based on Knockout technology, using EasyUI as the development of UI display, Knockout is mainly responsible for front-end interactive logic, combined with jQuery Ajax to submit data request, the new enterprise Invoicing mana
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- Asp.Net + WebAPI + MVC4.0 based on Knockout technology, using EasyUI as the development of UI display, Knockout is mainly responsible for front-end interactive logic, combined with jQuery Ajax to submit data request, the new enterprise Invoicing mana
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- Asp.Net + WebAPI + MVC4.0 based on Knockout technology, using EasyUI as the development of UI display, Knockout is mainly responsible for front-end interactive logic, combined with jQuery Ajax to submit data request, the new enterprise Invoicing mana
- .net轻量级图表控件,支持winfom和web(NPlot is a free charting library for .NET. It boasts an elegant, flexible API and includes controls for Windows.Forms, ASP.NET and a class for creating Bitmaps. A GTK# control is also available.)
- ASP.NET WEB API 框架揭秘 源码(ASP.NET WEB API framework sample code)