- ATmega16 数字电压表 1602LCD显示 proteus仿真 C语言 包涵程序一起上传 适合初学者-ATmega16 digital voltage meter display 1602LCD includes proteus simulation program with C language for beginners From
- 使用avr atmega16为例,使用LCD1602+USART+DS18B20来对温度进行测量,并在proteus中仿真其具体效果。里面有具体代码和文档说明。-The use of avr atmega16, for example, using the LCD1602+ USART+ DS18B20 to measure the temperature, and the proteus simulation in its concrete results. Inside there are
- 高精度时钟芯片。avr驱动,1602液晶显示。经调试已成功-High-precision clock chip. avr-driven liquid crystal display 1602. After debugging has been successfully
- 1602+avr+proteus仿真+菜单设计。很好的模板-1602+ avr+ proteus simulation+ menu design. A very good template
- Temperature control system improved PID algorithm proteus MATLAB simulation avr mega16L MCU and using 1602 to display the temprature-Temperature control system improved PID algorithm proteus MATLAB simulation avr mega16L MCU and using 1602 to
- DS1302+DS18B20+lcd1602 构成的avr时钟系统,包括proteus仿真 及原代码-DS1302+ DS18B20+ lcd1602 constitute the avr clock systems, including simulation and the original code proteus
- 单片机C语言基于avr+proteus仿真,普通电话机拨号键盘应用,将电话拨号键盘上所拨号码显示在1602液晶屏上-Microcontroller C language based on avr+proteus simulation, and application of ordinary telephone dial pad, number dialed on the telephone dial pad display 1602 LCD
- 单片机C语言-基于avr+proteus仿真。用内置EEPROM与1602液晶设计的MD5加密电子密码锁。初始密码由Passwrod.BIN设定为:"e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e",它由明文密码"123456"进行MD5加密后得到.-Microcontroller C language- based on avr+proteus simulation. 1602 LCD design with a built-in EEPROM and the MD5 enc
- avr单片机控制液晶1602显示程序,avrstudio4+proteus联调通过,若要硬件连线图,可与我联系-avr MCU 1602 LCD display program, avrstudio4+proteus FBI passed to the hardware connection diagram, you can contact me
- avr mega16 使用的矩阵键盘和1602液晶程序代码,带proteus仿真。 按一键后在LCD1602 屏幕上显示按键号。-Code of Matrix keyboard and LCD1602 for avr mega16, with proteus simulation. After press the key, display key’s number on the LCD1602 screen .