- 易读办公系统是一个功能完善的OA办公源代码,请大家下载学习交流-accessibility office system is a full-function office OA source code, please download learning exchanges
- 主要功能:1.车次查询:输入车次,可查找到该车次所经过的站名。2.站名查询:输入站名,可查找到经过该站的所有车次。3.可乘车次:输入出发站和到达站的站名,可查找到在该两站都要停的所有车次。4.在[列车时该表]的主窗口中的右上角有一绿色方框用鼠标点一下可调出维护窗口,有新增,修改,删除等功能。-main functions : 1. Query : Admission trips, can be found that the vehicles have gone through the stati
- 这是一个同学录的ASP动态源码?简法易读,可以做同学录的朋友作为参考。-This is a dynamic website ASP source? SR accessibility law, can do lots of friends as a reference.
- 从大量的wince源代码中剥离出的fat文件系统源代码。移植性非常高。 微软的代码,写的非常好。 里面带有source insight工程。方便浏览。-wince from a large number of source code separated from the fat file system source code. Transplanted very high. Microsoft's code and write very well. With insight in
- 一个简洁好用的SVM代码,进行了mex集成,效率高,易读易用。-prepare a concise code of SVM, the Files integrated, high efficiency, easy accessibility.
- Use this program to decode the Manchester Code of the RFID. Validate the accessibility of detected card. Including a keypad controller, generally a all in one card access reader.
- 精致、漂亮、实用的日历选择代码,Calendar is a Javascr ipt class that adds accessible and unobtrusive date-pickers to your form elements. This class is a compilation of many date-pickers I have implemented over the years and has been completely re-written for Mootool
- LBM二维圆柱绕流fortran代码,每个程序块很清楚的,与matlab相比,具有很好的易读性-LBM-dimensional flow around a cylinder fortran code, each block is very clear, compared with matlab, with good accessibility
- This sample application demonstrates how to create a lightweight image viewing and editing tool using Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF). Image thumbnails are displayed in the preview pane, while metadata associated with an image is displayed with
- GTK+ 2.22.1 API reference manual 包含13本手册,对应最新稳定版(2010.11.25) 完全的索引,方便查询各个函数 01. GTK+ Reference Manual 02. GLib Reference Manual 03. GObject Reference Manual 04. ATK - Accessibility Toolkit 05. GDK Reference Manual 06. Pa
- 采用PICC18编写的单片机源代码,编译环境MPLABv7.62;编译器PICC18pro9.60,程序中虽然未采用RTOS,但采用了任务段处理的方式,即每个运行周期只运行一个任务。并将面向对象的思想引入C中,一个文件相当于一个类。对初学者有一定的参考意义。有些代码考虑到易读性和通用性牺牲了代码的效率。-Singlechip PICC18 prepared using the source code, the compiler environment MPLABv7.62 compiler
- The ATK library provides a set of interfaces for accessibility.By supporting the ATK interfaces, an application or toolkit canbe used such as tools such as screen readers, magnifiers, and alternative input devices.
- This Is my project which was done for academic purpose,it is administrative based to provide the complete information about all the internal activities taking place inside a bank. This application will also aimed to provide the information for the cu
- HTML医院网站系统基于PHP+MYSQL开发,在文章内容网站的基础上,预设了医院概况、新闻动态、环境设备、名医荟萃、专科介绍、就医指南、专家门诊值班表、网上挂号、医疗保健知识、在线咨询等医院网站常用的栏目和测试数据,采用适合医院网站的专用模版,增强了系统的针对性和易用性。系统具有文章、图文、下载、社区、表单、用户等基本系统模块和一系列网站辅助功能,用户也可根据自身特点任意创建和修改栏目,适合创建各类医院诊所网站。-HTML hospital system is based on PHP+ MY
- 《PHP程序设计(第2版)》是关于PHP5的权威指南书籍,书中包含了PHP创始人(Rasmus Lerdorf)和其他PHP专家的独特见解。 PHP是一种简单而强大的开源脚本语言,用于创建动态Web内容。全球数百万运行着PHP程序的站点证明了它的流行程度和易用性。程序员和Web设计师都喜欢PHP,前者喜欢PHP的灵活性和速度,后者则喜欢它的易用和方便。 作为PHP的行业标准书籍,本书中所有的技术要点(如语法和编程技巧)都用简洁的文字和表达方式来阐述,并附带有正确用法及习惯用法的代码示例。
- Interface Accessible is the main interface for the accessibility package. 30: * All components that support 31: * the accessibility package must implement this interface. 32: * It contains a single method, {@link #getAccessibleContext}, which
- 《DragonEye Fast Object Tracking and Camera Motion Estimation》DragonEye是一个基于目标直接浏览的视频播放系统。比Dimp和Dragon来说具有实时性-Recently, multiple research groups proposed the concept of direct manipulation, which makes the task of navigation in videos directly rel
- 这是个老掉牙的话题了,运行后AVP狂报,NOD32没反应,不过策略简直太牛了,主要实现了线程注入、文件释放、添加自启等一些常规手段来表现,作者是锦屏中学初二(10)班 王臻,最近中学生让我们这些靠Delphi端饭碗的朋友抓狂,感觉压力真大啊,快落伍了,21世纪的中学生就是不一样啊,感觉新人成长太快了碍… -This is old-fashioned topic, run mad after the AVP reported, NOD32 did not respond, but the st
- Demonstrates making a custom control accessible through the use of faux UI elements. Includes a reusable FauxUIElement class and reusable code for adding accessibility descr iptions to segmented controls.-Demonstrates making a custom control accessib
- API函数实现辅助功能经典代码Accessibility API function to achieve the classic code-Accessibility API function to achieve the classic code