- g729b_pc.rar是G729语音压缩标准的附件B的C语言实现标准源代码。-g729b_pc.rar is decode voice compression standards Annex B C Language Standard code.
- 这个例子做的是去年全国电子电子设计大赛E题,悬挂运动控制系统(E题),我只做了画线和画圆两个部分,纯粹是玩,所以精度不是很高,终点定位精度误差差不多0.5cm左右,画圆在两个斜率无穷大区误差较大需要修正。 一开始我用的是L297+L298驱动,感觉脉冲相位控制比较麻烦,后来想到avr相对51的速度,用B口模拟脉冲,L293驱动。电机我用的是两个42BYG四相八拍六线步进电机,资料很好找。 这个试验做起来可能有点麻烦,比赛的时候需要特定的板子,就象附件E题里所示,注意电机转动的时候
- ITU-T G.729语音压缩算法。 descr iption: Fixed-point descr iption of commendation G.729 with ANNEX B Coding of Speech at 8 kbit/s using Conjugate-Structure Algebraic-Code-Excited Linear-Prediction (CS-ACELP) with Voice Activity Decision(VAD), Discontinuo
ITU-T G.729 Source code
- ITU-T G.729 Annex B ANSI-C Source Code Version 1.4 Last modified: November, 2000 */ TITLE ----- Fixed-point descr iption of Recommendat
ITU-T G.729 Source code ITU-T G.729 Annex B ANSI-
- ITU-T G.729 Source code ITU-T G.729 Annex B ANSI-C Source Code
- Table of contents 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Glossary of terms 4 General specification 5 UMID format specification Annex A Generation of UMID material numbers Annex B Generation of UMID instance numbers Annex C Text representation of the UMID A
- the hi_h264dec_w.exe is built base on the hi_h264sample.c and static libary of the decoder, the command format is as following: hi_h264dec_w.exe test.h264 [-o test.yuv] [-deinterlace] [-direct] [-enhance num] Notes: The first parameter is
- 毕业生就业问题是每个高校以及社会关注的焦点之一;学生如果能充分考虑各个方面的因素,综合评价后再确定自己的就业岗位的取向对其成功就业是有很大帮助的;学校有关部门如能掌握毕业生的就业岗位取向就能及时地调整工作重点并更好地指导和帮助学生就业。在本问题中,我们通过附件所给出的数据利用数学模型的思想与方法,重点对1995—2007年这13年的毕业生就业情况进行了较全面的统计与分析。-The employment problem of graduates of each college, as well a
- ITU-T G.729 Annex C+ - Reference C code for floating point implementation of G.729 at 6.4/8/11.8 kbit/s with DTX functionality (integration of Annexes B, D and E)-ITU-T G.729 Annex C+- Reference C code for floating point implementation of
- 本代码为编码开关代码,编码开关也就是数字音响中的 360度旋转的数字音量以及显示器上用的(单键飞梭开 关)等类似鼠标滚轮的手动计数输入设备。 我使用的编码开关为5个引脚的,其中2个引脚为按下 转轮开关(也就相当于鼠标中键)。另外3个引脚用来 检测旋转方向以及旋转步数的检测端。引脚分别为a,b,c b接地a,c分别接到P2.0和P2.1口并分别接两个10K上拉 电阻,并且a,c需要分别对地接一个104的电容,否则 因为编码开关的触点抖动会引起轻微误动
- 先装JAVA虚拟机,设好CLASSPATH 在附件里下载Encode.jar,start.bat 文件 双击start.bat 运行-JAVA Virtual Machine installed first, located in the annex CLASSPATH good download Encode.jar, start.bat document start.bat double-click to run ...
- h.264 New features * Sequence and Picture Parameter Sets * writes Annex B bytestream and RTP packets
- 通信系统 ITU-T G.729 Annex B 语音压缩标准-ITU-T Recommendation G.729 – Annex B A silence compression scheme for G.729 optimizedfor terminals conforming to recomendationV7.0
- 多媒体技术,G729语音编码源代码。参考协议ITU-G.729,Annex B ANSI-C Source Code-Multimedia technology, G729 speech coding source code. Reference to the agreement ITU-G.729, Annex B ANSI-C Source Code
- G.723.1 Implementers Guide----This document contains Implementers Guide for the text of ITU-T Recommendation G.723.1 Annex A and for the software C-codes of G.723.1 Annexes A and B-G.723.1 Implementers Guide---- This document contains Implementers
- ICAO ADS-B Country Code Bit Fields
- this contain G.723.1 SOURCE CODE -ANNUEX B-this is contain G.723.1 SOURCE CODE -ANNUEX B
- ITU-T G.729 Software Package Release 2 (November 2006) ITU-T G.729 Annex B ANSI-C Source Code Version 1.3 Last modified: August 1997 Copyright (c) 1996, France Telecom, Rockwell International, Universite de Sherbrooke. All rights
- coding table as found in the spec annex B.5 table B-1.
- IEEE Std 738-2006 Front Cover Introduction Notice to users Participants CONTENTS IEEE Standard for Calculating the Current-Temperature of Bare Overhead Conductors 1. Overview 1.1 Scope 1.2 Disclaimer 2. Definitions 3. Temperature calculatio