- 程序使用 MMAPI 来回放音调、音频文件和视频文件的一组 MIDlet。 需要:MIDP 2.0、Mobile Media API 1.1 (MMAPI 1.1)-MMAPI procedures used to pitch intervals, audio files and video files of a group MIDlet. Need : MIDP 2.0, Mobile Media API 1.1 (MMAPI 1.1)
- DIRAC,某老外写的非常牛逼的音频处理库。其变调、变速及音色改变效果远远强于其它的开源库。-DIRAC, a powerful audio processing library, of which the pitch,speed and timbre tuning features are far stronger than others open sourse library.
- 一个音频处理开源库,实现语音变速,变调等功能,十分强大。-An open-source audio processing library, voice speed, pitch and other functions, is very powerful.
- 音频基音周期的检测方法一般有两种,该代码是基于音频的自相关函数-Audio pitch detection methods There are two general, the code is the autocorrelation function based on the audio
- [pitch.rar] - matlab程序,功能是在语音中提取基音频率的程序。输入为.wav格式的语音文件,输出各帧基音频率。-[pitch.rar]- matlab procedures, functions in the voice pitch frequency extraction procedure. Input. Wav format audio files, the output of the frame pitch.
- 通过对语音的读入,对起进行语谱分析,以前,接着对语音进行了基音的提取,对语音进行分析!-Through the voice to read the language have been carried out spectral nalysis, in the past, followed by a pitch on the voice of the extraction, analysis of the audio!
- 在语音中提取基音频率的程序。输入为.wav格式的语音文件,输出各帧基音频率-Extraction of pitch in the voice frequency of the procedure. Input. Wav format audio files, the output frequency of the frame pitch
- 本次实验,是在 SOPC开发平台上实现一个音频信号发生器,将音箱接到开发平台上的 音频接口,由六个按键控制音箱发出 do、re、mi、fa、so、la 等音调,同时,编写几段音乐, 通过键盘选择,利用开发平台来播放几段音乐。 -The experiment is SOPC development platform to achieve an audio signal generator, the speaker received a development platform for th
audio processing
- 语音信号处理-对输入语音信号进行端点检测和基音轨迹的检测(利用acf、amdf和acf/amdf三种方法)。-Speech Signal Processing- the input voice signal trajectory endpoint detection and pitch detection (using acf, amdf and acf/amdf three methods).
- 音频处理程序,能够修改音频数据的音调等信息-A utility that can modify wav files to change the playing time of an audio clip, and transpose or scale the pitch of the clip. Great for audio book enthusiasts, and music lovers. Time shifting. DSP. Pitch Scaling.
- A source for an pitch shifter DSP audio effect. Free for use and modify. Compilable with Delphi >= 5.0
- musicdsp source code archive-Analysis Beat Detector Class Coefficients for Daubechies wavelets 1-38 DFT Envelope detector Envelope Detector class (C++) Envelope follower with different attack and release Fast in-place Walsh-Hadamard Tra
- 吉他调弦,相当于ap guitar tuner-This article shows how to use a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm to calculate the fundamental frequency of a captured audio sound. Also, we will see how to apply the algorithm to analyze live sound to build a simple guit
- Object-C 单声道音频合成 单声道,振荡器模块 双振荡器 方形,三角形,锯齿,反向锯齿波 倍频选择,支持5个八度 音符间滑行(滞处理器) 振荡器细齿(多个倍频程) 振荡器同步 低通滤波器模块 调制模块 tremelo/ WAVE 颤音/硬沥青 过滤 包络发生器模块 支持的ADSR(攻击,衰减,保持,释放) 体积 滤波器(低通滤波器的数量)-Object-C mono audio synthesis Features
- 在录制好音源后,通过该程序,可以求解出各自声音信号的基音周期。-Recording audio through the program can solve each pitch period of the voice signal.
- 语音信号进行分析、处理和设计。用MATLAB做变声器的原理是通过改变输入声音频率,进而改变声音的音色、音调,使输出声音在感官上与原声音不同。变声器是借助对声音音色和音调的双重复合改变,实现输出声音的改变。通过自己发声,共振峰频率的改变是基于重采样实现的-Speech signal analysis, processing and design. MATLAB do voice-changer works by changing the input frequency of the sound,
- 语音信号进行分析、处理和设计。用MATLAB做变声器的原理是通过改变输入声音频率,进而改变声音的音色、音调,使输出声音在感官上与原声音不同。变声器是借助对声音音色和音调的双重复合改变,实现输出声音的改变。通过自己发声,共振峰频率的改变是基于重采样实现的-Speech signal analysis, processing and design. MATLAB do voice-changer works by changing the input frequency of the sound,
- 采用自相关函数法和平均幅度差函数法以及改进的平均幅度差函数法求一段音频的基音-Using the correlation function method and average magnitude difference function method and improved average magnitude difference function method for an audio pitch
- Pitch Tracking from audio signal using python
- Pitch Detection Algo