- crc_table.c is for reset seed( 0000 ) crc_table_1.c is for reset seed( ffff) CRC16_D8_m.v is a verilog module of byte paralle crc. CRC16_D8_m_tb.v is the testbench file of above module.
- C 程序 球面方位角算法: azimuth.cpp CRC校验快速算法: CRC_Table.cpp 解扰码算法: scrambler.cpp Matlab 程序 信号带宽测量: BandWith.m 带通信号下变频: fqmv.m QPSK 解调 demodQpsk.m pwelch求功率谱的算法 psdwh.m 均值滤波算法 cvmn.m 信号正交分解: Cnv2Bas.m
- crc表格生成器,只要输入CRC多项式和CRC位数,即可生成一个*.txt文件,里面就有一个CRC表格,CRC table generator, as long as the input CRC polynomial and the CRC median, you can generate a*. txt file, inside there is a CRC table
- 针对LTE中的CRC添加 采用C语言分别进行实现(查表法) 另有单字节数据CRC余式表的产生源码-via VC realize the CRC appending for data stream based on LTE including the code of creation for CRC_table of one-byte-data