- Delphi中原有的TreeView控件仅可以保存Caption等少量数据,TreeViewEx可以保存Caption、图片索引以及其他数据。还新增了几个Event方便树操作。-TreeView control can be preserved Caption only a small amount of data, etc., can be preserved TreeViewEx Caption, photo index, and other data. Also added a few t
- 此代码可以实现以下功能 使用wordappalication 组件,代码如下 启动Word时用如下代码: begin try Wordapplication.Connect except MessageDlg(’Word may not be installed’, mtError, [mbOk], 0) Abort end Wordapplication.Visible := True WordApplication.Caption := ’Delphi automation’ end-thi
- 跑马灯,可以远程控制大荧幕或桌面显示跑马灯内容,Marquee, you can remote control large screen or on the desktop shows the contents Marquee
- 一个自动字幕控制控件。 可以实现上下,或者左右,单行或多行文本滚动。-An automatic control of the control caption. Can achieve up and down, or left and right, single or multiple lines of text scroll.
- AlphaControls lite版本 8.02 漂亮的界面控件-AlphaControls 2013 -------------------- The Library contains skinning tool for Borland Delphi 5..XE3 (x32/x64) and C++ Builder 6..XE3 TABLE OF CONTENTS --------------- Overview Demonstration P
- Delphi VclSkin 2.60 VCLSkin is an VCL library that extend Delphi application with skinnable user interface . Unlike other skin component that you must modify source code to build skinnable application, VCLskin can skin existing application usin
- This example program shows how to draw caption bar of windows in delphi platform. in the example you can write to caption bar, also you can omit default windows caption bar draw.
- 重绘delphi窗体的标题栏 重绘delphi窗体的标题栏-ReDraw the Form Caption for PNG ReDraw the Form Caption for PNG
- 开源的delphi控件包,内含60多个控件,用于开发windows应用程序。-Packages with 60 components for all delphi versions to build windows applications: Gradient controls (labels, buttons, panels, TabControls) with features like colored bevels, wallpaper, shadowText, caption or
- Delphi折行显示按钮标题文字,这里说的折行和换行类似,有一些控件如果找不到的话,请在网络上搜索一下,需要这些控件才能编译运行源码。是一个新手源码例子,Delphi初学者适合下载。-Delphi button caption text lines are wrapped, said fold line and line feed similar, there are some controls If you can not find, search the web, you need the
- Delphi:Delphi实现登录窗体说明:本窗体为程序的登录窗体, 其并不由程序自动创建, 详见菜单 Project -> Options -> Auto-ceate Form ,在ShowLoginForm()中创建/使用/关闭/释放。登录窗体调用方法, 使用这个方法可以减少调用处的代码量, 也方便统一的对该窗体进行操作,因为需要查询数据库, 故引用DataModule的单元。关联按钮的Action属性到对应的Action对象上, 按钮会从Action对象中获取一些属性, 如Ca
- Delphi:Delphi折行显示按钮标题文字,这里说的折行和换行类似,有一些控件如果找不到的话,请在网络上搜索一下,需要这些控件才能编译运行源码。是一个新手源码例子,Delphi初学者适合下载。 -Delphi: Delphi Display button caption text wrap, wrap and here that wrap similar, there are some controls if not found, please search on the web abo
- 此PAS在网上下载基础上修改如下: 1.自适应图片大小 2.居中显示Caption 3.不同字体可调整Caption位置-delphi button use png
- 建立Delphi树结构,直接使用,方便快捷-in i:= ListView1.ItemIndex if i=-1 then begin application.messagebox( 请选择记录 , 注意: ,MB_OK) end if i<>-1 then begin GetB