- DICOM3DSDK开发包是一套专业的PACS系统开发工具,包括DICOM协议和影像处理两大部分,它的特点是使用方便、功能强大、适应性强,是快速开发PACS的理想选择,该版本包括DICOM_Strings, DICOM_Table, DICOM_Printers, DICOM_ImageFile, DICOM_Network, DICOM_ImageViewer, DICOM_FilmBox, DICOM_IconBar, DICOM_DicomDir, DICOM_SDKRegister等控
- 显示医疗方面的DICOM 图形. 可以存储10万张DICOM文件-Open Source Picture Archiving and Communication System (OSPACS) for storing and displaying medical image files. This is currently been used by the Institute of Women s Health (University College London) to archive ult
- dicomobject的打印功能源码!利用C#可以打印ct片!-dicomobject the printing source! The use of C# can print ct film!
- 将DICOM医学图像转化为bitmap图像-The DICOM medical images into a bitmap image
- DICOM stands for Digital Imaging and COmmunication in Medicine. The DICOM standard addresses the basic connectivity between different imaging devices, and also the workflow in a medical imaging department. The DICOM standard was created by the Nation
- DICOM stands for Digital Imaging and COmmunication in Medicine. The DICOM standard addresses the basic connectivity between different imaging devices, and also the workflow in a medical imaging department. The DICOM standard was created by the Nation
- DICOM stands for Digital Imaging and COmmunication in Medicine. The DICOM standard addresses the basic connectivity between different imaging devices, and also the workflow in a medical imaging department. The DICOM standard was created by the Nation
- DZDICOM-csharp 读取DICOM文件,将DICOM影像图转化bmp\jpg格式-DZDICOM-csharp read DICOM files to DICOM image maps into bmp \ jpg format
- 采用c#开发技术,制作的小程序对dicom图像进行解析,能够成功显示dicom图像包含的数据以及图像-can show the picture of dicom and all of the information of the origin dicom picture
- 一个开源的基于.net的dicom库,搞这块的人有参考价值。-.net Based on an open source library of dicom engage this person has a reference value.