- 此源码是Cell组件超级报表模板设计器C#.net源码示例。 Cell网站: http://www.cellsoft.cc/Cell/index.asp cell组件下载地址: http://www.cellsoft.cc/cell/down_list.asp 产品概述: Cell 组件适用于Windows环境下各种开发工具(如VB, VC, Visual Foxpro, Delphi, C++ Builder, PowerBuilder, .NET)等,是软件开发人员开发优秀报表的
- 此源码是Cell组件delphi中如何从数据库取数和自定义函数的代码示例。 Cell网站: http://www.cellsoft.cc/Cell/index.asp cell组件下载地址: http://www.cellsoft.cc/cell/down_list.asp 产品概述: Cell 组件适用于Windows环境下各种开发工具(如VB, VC, Visual Foxpro, Delphi, C++ Builder, PowerBuilder, .NET)等,是软件开发人员
- SUIPack is a suite of WYSIWYG VCL skin components for Delphi & C++Builder. It provides you the ability to create professional-UI-designed skin and implementations for your applications. Besides the alternative for standard controls, SUIPack provides
- TRichView/RichView 是一套地道的Delphi/C++Builder控件,用于显示、编辑和打印超文本文档,支持各种文字属性:字体、上下标、文字背景色、托拉等等。文档里可以包括表格、图片以及各种Delphi/BCB控件。
- 汉化说明 与许多初学者一样,我在开始学习Delphi时,面对全英文的界面,很是不习惯。在Delphi5.0时就开始对Delphi进行汉化。但效果并不明 显,也就没好意思拿出来。但心中总是感到有些遗憾,为什么Delphi这样好的编辑工具,始终不推出简体中文版呢? 一直等到Delphi7.0时,Smallfish终于等不住了,为了Delphi在华夏大地上的传播与推广,SmallFish决定自己动手,汉化出真正属于中 国人的简体中文Delphi程序开发工具。
SMGP 3.0 Delphi源码
- Delphi开发的SMGP3.0客户端程序,完全支持电信C网短消息。
CAD_Import_VCL_v6.1. CAD Import VCL v6.1
- CAD Import VCL v6.1 是一套非常好用的图形处理控件(带源码),用于DELPHI,C++Builder ,只要简单几行代码便可轻松获得CAD软件的显示效果.还可处理多种常见图片格式., CAD Import VCL v6.1 is a very easy to use graphics processing control (with source) for DELPHI, C++ Builder, a simple few lines of code can be
- 一套用于Delphi/C++Builder的菜单控件源码, As soon as applies mechanically to the Delphi/C Builder vegetable 鍗曟帶 source code
- nrComm Lib Pro 8.29 for Delphi & C++ Builder 7-2010 nrComm Lib provides some tools for performing the serial communications tasks in Delphi/CBuilder development. It has ready solutions for many communication tasks : RS232, TAPI (data and voice
- FlashEngine is a set of components for Delphi, C++ Builder and Lazarus which add extra features to Adobe Flash (ActiveX or Netscape plugin)- such as loading from any sources, grab real 32-RGBA frames, real transparency playing. This is Full Sou
- Delphi/C++Builder,Delphi/C++Builder
- 最新支持Delphi 2010完整源码版。 Clever Internet Suite version 7.0 使用最有效 便捷的方式,从应用程序访问网络资源。 Clever Internet Suite version 7.0 使用.NET的套件,您可以添加即时SSL / TLS安全到您的互联网应用 并实施许多有益的互联网相关的功能: 下载,上传和互联网提交,资源。发送和接收MIME邮件。 的HTTP,FTP,SMTP等,POP3,IMAP和NNTP客户端/服务器解决方案。
- VCLSkin是经典的BCB和Delphi的换肤控件,使用很简单就能给程序换上好看的皮肤。 这是最新的5.50版本,带全部源码。-VCLSkin 5.50 for Delphi & C++Builder 5-2010 Full Source
- java,delphi,C#通用des算法delphi实现 需要TurboPower LockBox-java, delphi, C# General des algorithm delphi the realization of the need for TurboPower LockBox
- Raize_4.3.2 For Delphi中文版。可同时用于C++ Builder6。-Raize_4.3.2 For Delphi & C++Builder。
- Dede之外的另一个超强的delphi,C++builder的反编译工具,支持win和linux的可执行程序。-Decompiler produces all project forms and data modules with all assigned properties and events. Produced event procedures don t have a body, but have an address of code in executable file.
- TRichView/RichView 是一套地道的Delphi/C++Builder控件,用于显示、编辑和打印超文本文档,支持各种文字属性:字体、上下标、文字背景色、托拉等等。文档里可以包括表格、图片以及各种Delphi/BCB控件。--TRichView/RichView is a set of authentic Delphi/C++ Builder controls, for displaying, editing and printing hypertext documents, sup
DirectX, Delphi, C++. 2006
- DirectX, Delphi, C++. 2006
- V16.4.5含源码,TRichView是一套Delphi/C++Builder控件,主要用于显示、编辑和打印超文本文档。内含Delphi和C++Builder控件,安装时可到Setup文件夹内运行IDEInstall.exe进行安装程序,安装前需用Notepad修改TRichViewFullDelphi.iide配置文件的Install节点的Files键值为源码所在物理路径(TRichView V16.4.5 contains source code, TRichView is a set o
FlexGraphics 1.7 for Delphi & C++Builder
- is a set of components for creating vector graphics applications under Delphi/C++Builder. library can be used for creation of plots, drawings, electrical, concept and mnemonic charts as well as for creation of interactive plans with high level