- Mediastreamer开发手册 Mediastreamer is a library written in C that allows you to create and run audio and video streams. It is designed for any kind of voice over IP applications. It features RTP connectivity, audio codecs (Speex, iLBC, G711, GSM), vi
- linphone-3.3.0 版本,这个就不多做介绍了,知道的人都知道!如果还是不知道,那么看看下面英文的介绍吧。-Features Linphone provides a large amount of functionalities. List of supported features: * audio with the following codecs: speex (narrow band and wideband), G711 (ulaw,alaw),
- this the echo cancelation using lms adaptive filter -this is the echo cancelation using lms adaptive filter
- this echo cancelation term project file name : pro1.m pro2.m pro3.m pro4.m-this is echo cancelation term project file name : pro1.m pro2.m pro3.m pro4.m