- Sequoia ERP是一个真正的企业级开源ERP解决方案。它提供的模块包括:电子商务应用(e-commerce), POS系统(point of sales),知识管理,存货与仓库管理,客户服务( customer service)等.Sequoia ERP采用Java开发可部署在Linux/Unix与Windows平台上,并支持当前主流数据库如:MySQL, PostgreSQL,Oracle,Microsoft SQL Server等关系型数据库.-Sequoia ERP is a tru
- 12101企业e化经理人培训课程-选择ERP软件.ppt-12,101 e-business manager training courses - choice ERP software. Ppt
- 中小企业管理系统------ ERP系统原代码-Management system for small and medium-sized------ ERP system, the original code
- this the word doccument created on the Introduction To ERP Vendors. i.e information for the erp vendors like, sap, baanetc. is given -this is the word doccument created on the Introduction To ERP Vendors. i.e information for the erp vendors like, s
- 功能很强的中小企业ERP管理系统,适合中小型企业、生产商等进行生产、物资库存的管理。主要功能包括材料的出入库、原料消耗、存货查询、仓库调拨、库存盘点、库存帐表、货品仓位表、库存明细帐、仓库流水帐、仓库业务及企业生产经营报表等。 作者注:你可以使用本程序,但不可修改再发布或者更改版权,作者保留一切权利。 -Features a strong small and medium-sized ERP management system, suitable for small and med
- EEG brain signal anlaysis codes. Extract event-related potential (ERP) compoents from brain signal. Estimate ERP waveforms, and the assoimated single-trial latencies and amplitudes. Estimate spectrum of on-going activities. Two algoithms, dVCA and AE
- ASP开发的一个ERP系统,界面还值得参考一下吧,献给初学者。-a ERP SYSTEM, Basic on asp
- ERP电子商务相关,有致力于ERP(企业资源计划)方面的朋友不妨-ERP E-commerce-related
- 北京工商局电子政务方案,完整的功能设计和平台搭建-Beijing Industry and Commerce Bureau e-government program, a complete functional design and platform to build
- ERP内部流程图 整体的业务流,数据流。 可以整体宏观的了解ERP内部数据结构-ERP business flow within the flow chart as a whole, the data stream. Can understand the overall macro-internal data structure of ERP
- java 简单的erp 用java swing awt 界面 可用于个人做简单的练习之用-java easy erp for person do a excese
- erp完整版\jsp项目开发.耗时1一月.采用mvc设计模式.-erp full version \ jsp project development. time-consuming one in January. using mvc design pattern.
- 1.如果系统未安装net框架2.0以上,dotnetfx.exe文件进行安装(如果找不到该文件,请到http://www.yonse.net下载); 2.找到永思ERP.exe,双击该文件进行安装; 说明:请到安装目录下运行View.exe,用“李四”登录,初始密码为空-1. If the system does not install net framework 2.0 or above, dotnetfx.exe file to install (if can not find th
- 一套开源的ERP软件,以PHP代码写成。需要LAMP环境支持。安装需要对PHP代码有所了解。-BlueERP is a double entry accounting application for small and medium business. Written in PHP, it is delivered through a LAMP environment to provide web access to your accounts. Its goal is to pr
- The Mass Univariate ERP Toolbox is a freely available set of MATLAB functions for performing mass univariate analyses of event-related potentials (ERPs), a noninvasive measure of neural activity popular in cognitive neuroscience. A mass univariate an
- 电子商务中的ERM实验,包含了ERM实验的基本要求,完整代码以及实验报告。完整可用-E-commerce in the ERM experiments, including the basic requirements of the ERM experiment, complete code and experimental reports. Full availability
- ofbiz 是一个真正的企业级开源ERP解决方案。它提供的模块包括:电子商务应用(e-commerce), POS系统(point of sales),知识管理,存货与仓库管理,客户服务( customer service)等.Sequoia ERP采用Java开发可部署-ofbiz workflow source upload, try not to let the station to the time spent on your revised instructions. Not have
- 系统可作为OA、网站、电子政务、ERP、CRM、APP后台等基于B/S架构的应用软件系统的快速开发框架。-The system can be used as OA, website, e-government, ERP, CRM, APP backstage rapid development framework based on B/S structure of the application software system.
- 最新仿金蝶电商ERP进销存系统多仓库版,是php版本的服务端!(The latest imitation Kingdee e-commerce ERP into the storage system multi warehouse version, is the PHP version of the server!)
- 网上购物商城是一套使用Java语言开发的独立企业电商网店系统(B2C);系统兼容360、Chrome等浏览器。系统采用较为流行的J2EE框架 Struts2+ MyBatis+ Spring 进行合理的组合开发。(Online shopping mall is a set of independent enterprise e-commerce network system developed by Java language (B2C). The system is compatible wi