- 实现ez-usb fx3 Led显示与键盘扫描-Implementation ez-usb fx3 Led display and keyboard scan
- Cypress EZ-USB™ FX3 固件 API 手册 Cypress公司的USB3.0芯片CY3014,Cypress EZ-USB™ FX3 Firmware API Guide Cypress公司的USB3.0芯片CY3014
- application note focuses on the design of a synchronous FIFO master interface. A master initiates transfers, drives an address bus (if present), and usually supplies a clock to the slave. The slave device used in this design is another FX3 de
- EZ-USB FX3 GPIF接口的时序设计 文章以同步从模式为例-FX3 ez-usb GPIF interface timing design Based on synchronous from mode as an example
- EZ-USB FX3 官方UVC摄像头例程,采用CyUSB3014与cmos芯片直连,用UVC协议采集图像,包括详细的开发文档说明和源代码-EZ-USB FX3 official UVC camera routines, using CyUSB3014 with cmos chip directly connected with UVC image acquisition protocols, including a detailed descr iption of the developmen
- EZ-USB FX3 与FPGA通讯官方例程,包括了短包发送,ZLP发送,LoopBack例程,包括完整的GPIF设计,代码和开发文档-EZ-USB FX3 and FPGA communications official routines, including a short packet is sent, ZLP send, LoopBack routines, including complete GPIF design, code and development documentatio
AN84868 - Source files for FX3 Firmware
- 通过Cypress的EZ-USB FX3的SPI接口对Xilinx FPGA进行配置(AN84868 shows you how to configure a Xilinx FPGA over a slave serial interface using FX3 which is the next-generation USB 3.0 peripheral controller.)
- 赛普拉斯的EZ-USBFX3™是新一代USB 3.0 外设控制器,可提供集成且灵活的功能。FX3 具有一个可进行完全配置的并行通用可编程接口GPIF II,它能够与任何处理器、ASIC 或FPGA 连接。它可轻松无缝地连接到多种常用接口