- Phex是一个开放源代码,多平台,利用Gnutella 客户端的免费软件,你通过它可以搜索,下载以及共享所有类型的文件。这个程序提供了一个自动功能来寻找新的产品以及支持通过不同主机断点续传。它与LimeWire, BearShare, Morpheus以及其它P2P Gnutella 软件兼容,版本0.7.3提供了一个新的自动屏蔽无用信息的功能。 Phex is a P2P filesharing client which is based on the Gnutella networ
- Phex是一个开放源代码,多平台,利用Gnutella 客户端的免费软件,你通过它可以搜索,下载以及共享所有类型的文件。这个程序提供了一个自动功能来寻找新的产品以及支持通过不同主机断点续传。它与LimeWire, BearShare, Morpheus以及其它P2P Gnutella 软件兼容,版本0.7.3提供了一个新的自动屏蔽无用信息的功能。 Phex is a P2P filesharing client which is based on the Gnutella networ
- Filesharing-Bittorrent p2p client connected to TCP supernode/leaf network and UDP DHT network. Ares features a built-in directshow media player, a powerful library manager, shoutcast radio support and can be used to host p2p Chatrooms. -Filesharing -
- 基于Delphi7的局域网文件共享软件源码 Windows的文件共享经常遇到不能正常或无法找到计算机的情况。文件共享还要设置共享属性及用户等,为简化局域网文件共享,本软件只要网络能连通,不需要任何设置就能文件共享。 使用点对点方式,不用服务器,只要在需要共享的电脑运行本程序及将要共享的文件或文件夹拖到共享区就可以。 -Delphi7 LAN-based file-sharing software source Windows file sharing is not often en
- 一个P2P共享软件,有服务器端和客户端,包含源代码,文档和安装文件-A P2P sharing software, a server and client, including source code, documentation and installation files
- p2p文件共享软件服务端实现代码,用的是c#编程-using p2p technology to finish the function of file sharing system.The programing language is c#
- its is a java RMI code for file transfer, it consist of code for server and client.
- P2P网络实现程序,可以实现文件共享。The OpenSource P2P Network is a filesharing network made up of free open source clients only. Patches, mods and code will be available here. It s a true P2P sharing network with no greed or 3rd parties involved! -The OpenSource P2P
- The OpenSource P2P Network is a filesharing network made up of free open source clients only. Patches, mods and code will be available here. It s a true P2P sharing network with no greed or 3rd parties involved!- 开源P2P网络是一种文件共享网络组成的自由开放源码的客户只。
- p2pmobilephp consists of J2ME classes and PHP files for writing mobile filesharing applications very quickly. p2pmobilephp besteht aus J2ME Klassen und PHP Skripts, mit denen man mobiles Filesharing mit wenig Zeitaufwand realisieren
- p2pmobilephp consists of J2ME classes and PHP files for writing mobile filesharing applications very quickly. p2pmobilephp besteht aus J2ME Klassen und PHP Skripts, mit denen man mobiles Filesharing mit wenig Zeitaufwand realisieren
- 一个文件共享程序,包括客户端和服务器端,学习C++网络编程很有用。-A file-sharing program, including client and server-side, learning C++ network programming is useful.
- This describes a project done by Abhi Sharma on Java P2P Filesharing Application that includes a chat.
- file sharing simulation
- p2p文件共享的一个简单例子,可供新手学习(p2p filesharing A simple example of peer-to-peer file sharing for beginners.)