- ITU-T H.323 V3 音频codec(支持静音检测) g.723.1 6.4kbps发送,6.4/5.3kbps接收 g.729a 8kbps发送,8kbps接收(仅在单一模式下可用) gsm 6.10 10kbps lpc 10 3kbps g.711 uLaw/aLaw 64kbps 视频codec(动态流量控制) h.261 支持QCIF(176*144)/CIF(352*288) h.263 支持
- LemonSMS is a component developed in Java that provides a turnkey solution for application developers to incorporate into their Java applications the functionality of sending and processing of incoming SMS messages. LemonSMS acts as a middleware
- VIS H.323 Library符合下列标准 ITU-T H.323 V3 音频codec(支持静音检测) g.723.1 6.4kbps发送,6.4/5.3kbps接收 g.729a 8kbps发送,8kbps接收(仅在单一模式下可用) gsm 6.10 10kbps lpc 10 3kbps g.711 uLaw/aLaw 64kbps 视频codec(动态流量控制) h.261 支持QCIF(176*144)/CIF(
- GPRS-GPS车载机控制源码,使用SIM300模块,有短消息发送、接收,TCP、UDP连接控制源代码。,GPRS-GPS Vehicle Control source, use SIM300 module, there is a short message to send, receive, TCP, UDP connections to control the source code.
- encode/decode gsm sms 7bit pdu format text. orginally written for palm os, but it don t make any special system call. plain stdio is ok,encode/decode gsm sms 7bit pdu format text. orginally written for palm os, but it don t make any special system ca
- 软件介绍: 手机卡易通是由江苏省海门市天乐之家工作室开发的一款针对手机GSM SIM卡及CDMA UIM卡的信息管理软件。 运行平台:MicroSoft Windows 98、2000、XP 读卡器支持: 1.支持所有型号的串口读卡器及USB转串口的USB读卡器 2.支持所有型号的SMART CARD读卡器,完全符合PC/SC规范和ISO-7816 T=0标准 3.支持无驱型读卡器 智能卡支持: 1.支持GSM SIM卡 2.支持CDMA UIM卡
- 使用51单片机控制T35模块收发短信及接听拨打电话等-51 SCM control modules using the send and receive text messages and receive T35 phone calls, etc.
- H.323 开发包与源码(VC代码) VIS H.323 Library符合下列标准 ITU-T H.323 V3 音频codec(支持静音检测) g.723.1 6.4kbps发送,6.4/5.3kbps接收 g.729a 8kbps发送,8kbps接收(仅在单一模式下可用) gsm 6.10 10kbps lpc 10 3kbps g.711 uLaw/aLaw 64kbps 视频codec(动态流量控制)
- OpenRisc FCL component digital tester, 0.0 4 digital tube display program, t Single-chip pulse measuring instr 51 serial procedures, in the hope This is my cell phone with GSM an
- This a simulator written in Tcl to simulate a network node carrying GSM and GPRS traffics with QoS mechanisms. The payload type including circuit-switched voice, VoIP and web traffic, and the performance including packet drop, delay can be analyzed.
- VIS H.323 Library符合下列标准 ITU-T H.323 V3 音频codec(支持静音检测) g.723.1 6.4kbps发送,6.4/5.3kbps接收 g.729a 8kbps发送,8kbps接收(仅在单一模式下可用) gsm 6.10 10kbps lpc 10 3kbps g.711 uLaw/aLaw 64kbps 视频codec(动态流量控制) h.261 支持QCIF(176*1
- gsm model..........it i sgreat useful........check i t out
- 详细探讨了在嵌入式环境下搭建及优化GSM网络的可行性方案,此文档在Windows下需用CAJViewer打开。-Discussed in detail in the embedded environment, build and optimization of GSM networks, the feasibility of the program, this document is CAJViewer need to use Windows, open the.
- ITU-T G.722.2 国际电信联盟G.722.2建议书,2003年7月版。该建议书是语音通讯领域的压缩标准,被GSM,WCDMA,3GPP等采用,题目为16kbit下的宽带语音编码,使用自适应多率宽带编码。 内容主要有代数码激励线性预测编码(ACELP),话音活动检测(VAD)等。-This Recommendation describes the high quality Adaptive Multi-Rate Wideband (AMR-WB) encoder and de
- linphone-3.3.0 版本,这个就不多做介绍了,知道的人都知道!如果还是不知道,那么看看下面英文的介绍吧。-Features Linphone provides a large amount of functionalities. List of supported features: * audio with the following codecs: speex (narrow band and wideband), G711 (ulaw,alaw),
- 此前没有开发这个版本时,我在网络上搜索了好久也没有找到好用的版本,都设置了各式各样的限制和功能上的缺陷。有一些功能完善的控件,收费又很贵要500多RMB。所以我才决定开发一个新的版本供广大Delphi爱好者使用。 本短信收发控件(SMSRedSky)为完全免费控件。希望大家能够广泛的传播此控件,此控件适用于GPS系统,GSM监控模块的使用。 开发工具:Delphi6.0,测试环境:windows2000,Delphi6.0,设备:WaveCom工业模块 本控
- UMTS Networks and Beyond This a book onMobi le Communi cation Netw orks, in p articular the Univers al Mobi le Teleco mmunica tion Sy stem (UMTS) and its successor technol ogies. UM TS is the successor of GSM, and is expected to b ecome one of
- CREATE YOUR WEBSITE IN 30MIN!!! This a book onMobi le Communi cation Netw orks, in p articular the Univers al Mobi le Teleco mmunica tion Sy stem (UMTS) and its successor technol ogies. UM TS is the successor of GSM, and is expected to b ecome
- The Source Code for reading and sending Messages Via a GSM Modem. Source Code created by using VB6 Object and MSCOMM. Just plug In the USB Port GSM Modem and don t forget to Setup Up Port GSM Modem
- 基于 GSM 调制解调器 T C35 的油井电能管理系统-T C35 GSM modem based power management system of wells