- 国标28181文档,做安防监控的兄弟们有福啦,公安部现在规定所有设备都必须支持这个协议。给大家把这个放出来吧。-GB 28181 document, brothers doing security monitoring Blessed are you, the Ministry of Public Security now requires all devices must support this protocol. Release this for everyone to come.
- GBT28181协议测试码流,打印出测试中发送和接收端的SIP消息,供参考。-GBT28181 protocol test code flow, print out the test the sending and receiving the SIP message, for your reference.
- Gb28181, written by others, captures the video stream and converts it into H.264 video stream. The SIP protocol is pjsip. To do this, the mainstream is c++. Which God would like to update and open source for the benefit of China?