- 提供大家颜色转换VC++源代码。RGB to HSV & HSV to RGB The Hue/Saturation/Value model was created by A. R. Smith in 1978. It is based on such intuitive color characteristics as tint, shade and tone (or family, purety and intensity). The coordinate system is cylin
- 本代码建立vc项目后可以使用,从rgb转换到hsv和hsi的,The code after the establishment of vc can use, the conversion from rgb to hsv and HSI
- 关于彩色图像增强的一篇有用的论文,系统介绍从rgb空间转换到hsv空间进行各个颜色分量的增强信息-On color image enhancement of a useful paper, the system introduced space conversion from rgb to hsv color space for the various components to enhance information
- 提供VC++图像处理,包括RGB转HSV,指纹识别,离散余弦转换,条码生成,手势识别,矩特征提取等-To provide VC++ image processing, including the RGB switch to HSV, fingerprint recognition, discrete cosine transform, barcode generation, gesture recognition, feature extraction, etc. Moment
- 在VC界面下,设计的关于图像的彩色RGB格式转换HSV的MFC界面,注意以类的形式存在。-VC interface, the design of the color image RGB format conversion of HSV MFC interface attention to the form of classes exist.