- 批量访问kegg数据库的pm文件。类似于C语言的头文件。输入文件是ncbi的geneid,输出是包含其中某些基因的通路编号以及统计结果。-batch visit kegg database pm document. C language similar to the first document. Ncbi input document is the geneid output includes some of the genes and pathways No. statistical res
- 转录本比对到 KO ortholog group,并输出ID。同时将转录本比对到kegg gene database,并输出相关代谢通路结果-blast the transcr iptome to KO ortholog group,and output related ID. then those annotated transcr iptome were compared to kegg gene data base and the pathway.
- 用来做转录组的GO和KEGG注释,主要用在转录组的差异基因的功能富集分析(used for kegg and GO annotation)
- 从kegg中运用贪婪算法寻找子通路并进行扰动分析。(The greedy algorithm is used to find the sub path and analyze the disturbance from kegg.)
R气泡图 源代码
- 排列在工作表的列中的数据(第一列中列出 x 值,在相邻列中列出相应的 y 值和气泡大小的值)可以绘制在气泡图中。气泡图与散点图相似,不同之处在于:气泡图允许在图表中额外加入一个表示大小的变量进行对比。(The data arranged in the column of the worksheet (listed in the first column are x values, and the values of the corresponding Y values and bubble si