- 很牛B的Mpi并行算法 很牛B的Mpi并行算法 很牛B的Mpi并行算法-very cattle B prostitutes parallel algorithm B is the cattle prostit utes parallel algorithm is cattle B The prostitutes parallel algorithm B is the cattle prostit utes parallel algorithm B is the cattle prostitute
- 用CUDA实现BFS算法源码。CUDA是NV公司基于GPU的统一计算架构,BFS复杂度由CPU上的O(V+E)降为O(diameter),直径diameter即图中root到leaf的最长距离。-This is the algorithm of BFS(breadth first search) on CUDA, and its time complexity is down to O(diameter) which diameter means the longest distance bet
- 介绍行列划分算法和矩阵相乘并行算法M P I 程序, 给出基于矩阵相乘并行算法的M P I 实现, 分析和讨 论处理器数目、复杂性、矩阵划分、B 子块传递、死锁避免和矩阵数据的获取等问题.-Introduction into the ranks of the matrix multiplication algorithm and parallel algorithm for MPI procedures, give parallel algorithm based on matrix mul
- Write an MPI program that solves a set of linear equations Ax = b with the 并行计算 Jacobi method. The root process reads the matrix A and the vector b from files. The file names have to be specified by the user as parameters.-Write an MPI p
- SIESTA用于分子和固体的电子结构计算和分子动力学模拟。SIESTA使用标准的Kohn-Sham自恰密度泛函方法,结合局域密度近似(LDA-LSD)或广义梯度近似(GGA)。计算使用完全非局域形式(Kleinman-Bylander)的模守恒赝势。基组是数值原子轨道的线性组合(LCAO)。它允许任意个角动量,多个zeta,极化和截断轨道。计算中把电子波函和密度投影到实空间网格中,以计算Hartree和XC势,及其矩阵元素。除了标准的Rayleigh-Ritz本征态方法以外,程序还允许使用占据轨
- Originally the definition of sorting in MPI is that lists are scattered around a series of working clusters before sorting. After sorting they still are scattered in those machines except that each segment is sorted and if one element in A is bigger
- calculate vector x in Ax=b equation of the upper triangle matrix using pipeline mpi
- 线性方程组Jacobi迭代的并行计算程序,数据文件是A*x=b,A是4阶方阵的算例。(A*x=b, Jacobi, In Data.txt the Matrix is 4*4)
- 带状划分的矩阵向量乘法。数据文件是40*40的算例。(The file is prepared for solving A*b, in the Date there is an example for A which is a 40*40 matrix)