- 自相似特征(self-similarity)描述子的提取代码,算法见“Matching Local Self-Similarities across Images and Videos”-Self-similar characteristics (self-similarity) describe the extraction of sub-code, algorithms, see " Matching Local Self-Similarities across Images and
- Implementation of the Self Similarity descr iptor based on the paper: Matching Local Self-Similarities across Images and Videos, Eli Shechtman and Michal Irani CVPR 07-Implementation of the Self Similarity descr iptor based on the paper: Matchi
- 用C++实现的自相似性描述的源代码(matlab包装)用来特征提取特征侦测等。-C++ Implementation (with MATLAB wrapper) of the Self-Similarity Descr iptor by Ken Chatfield based on the paper Matching Local Self-Similarities across Images and Videos, by Eli Shechtman and Michal Irani at CV
- (cvpr)Matching Local Self-Similarities descr iptor自相似描述子-(cvpr)Matching Local Self-Similarities across Images and Videos