- Zen Cart是一款最新的购物车软件,开源代码。该项目始于2003年6月,使用的是osCommerce MS2的基本代码。Zen Cart开发团队花了6个月时间重写代码及消除错误,然后发布了Zen Cart的Alpha版本。在过去的18个月中,他们在源代码基础上,不断修改完善,增加各种功能,持续发布新版本。 Zen Cart界面友好、容易安装和定制、功能齐全、购物流程简洁直观,您的客户即刻就能使用。内置促销、优惠、礼物券、新闻简讯和新商品通知功能,提供单件商品优惠或者全部商品优惠功
- drupal(内容管理系统CMS)的应用项目,查询功能页面php代码,和sql脚本,安装drupal和mysql。apache可以直接运行,drupal (the content management system CMS) of the application, the inquiry page php code, and sql scr ipt, install Drupal and mysql. apache can run directly
- 开发环境为PHP 手写的功能比较强大的mysql类 能进行基本所有的mysql操作 是mysql从面向工程转化为面向对象-PHP development environment for the more powerful features hand-mysql class mysql can perform basic operations are all facing the Project into mysql from the object-oriented
- dotProject2.1.2中文版。dotProject是一个基于LAMP的开源项目管理软件。开发语言为PHP,数据库默认推荐使用MySQL(基本上可以理解为只能用Mysql)。其实很多工作都需要以项目管理的角度来进行.从团队的角度,也需要对成员按照项目管理进行控制. 用的最多的项目管理软件是MS Project,用的还是很不错的,但唯一烦恼的是,当我把做完的甘特图给同事的时候,一般都不会去安装MS project,因为这东西实在太大.更致命的是,作完的计划通常这是一个时间点上,而无法进行团
- 库存管理系统 php+mysql 实现 毕业设计用得-Inventory management system implemented by php ,a graduation project
- 采用PHP5.0+MYSQL架构 ·采用项目缓存机制,单入口模式,简洁,小巧,高效 ·框架式结构,详尽注释,方便二次开发和扩展 ·支持动态,伪静态,生成HTML浏览模式 ·自由分类,首页自动生成导航-Used PHP5.0+ MYSQL framework for adoption of the project cache mechanism, single-entrance mode, simple, compact, efficient frame structure
- 提供了450个应用PHP进行网站开发的实例,包括:CSS与JAVA脚本的应用、PHP与MYSQL的数据库技术、网络通信、PHP的高级应用等,绝大多数实例都体现了PHP开发人员在实际项目中总结出的经验技巧。-450 application to provide a PHP example for web site development, including: CSS and JAVA application scr ipt, PHP and MYSQL database technology,
- this a website that i wrote for a school project. it is a photo-blog for tourism, with administrator account it was written in php and it requires a mysql server (mysql_connect) the admin files are in the sub-folder m-admin. dbconnector.php sp
- PHP + MySql项目管理网站源码。 -PHP+ MySql source project management web site.
- 宾馆管理系统 php+mysql xampp集成开发环境-hotel manage system
- "e-Zvit" is an reports processing server. Any tall structure of reporting organizations can use project for working with reports made in MS Excel. Apache+PHP+MySQL. You can use data from postgresql, mssql, interbase,informix, odbc, oracle, peardb, ad
- This is a whole php, mySql project on a web questionaire for students to evaluate the subjects they studied. The administrator can then sign in and view the results of the evaluation.-This is a whole php, mySql project on a web questionaire for stud
- Jorp基于PHP+MySQL开发的项目管理系统。它能够让你追踪项目,任务,客户等信息。 Jorp是一个简单的,基于Web的项目管理系统,Jorp易于使用,它允许你跟踪项目,任务,客户端,。 Jorp采用PHP+MySQL架构,能够运行在任何Web服务器,只要运行PHP和可以访问MySQL数据库的平台都可以运行。 -Jorp is a simple, web-based project management system. It allows you to keep track of
- 物业后台管理系统,管理财务和联系人的信息,php加mysql项目-Property Management System, financial management and contact information, php mysql project added
- this php,mysql project develop scratch in e-book-this is php,mysql project develop scratch in e-book
- 用于学籍信息管理系统的php项目,里面带有sql脚本,根据这里下载的项目改进的 增加了学生信息查看功能。优化了界面的美观程度。(The PHP project for the school information management system, with a SQL scr ipt, is improved by the project downloaded here The information view function of the students is added. The
- 仿59store校园o2o系统是一个以php+MySQL进行开发的主要针对校园市场开发的O2O系统。 主要功能模块: 1.夜猫店:校园每栋楼可以开设一个夜猫店 2.校园超市:每个学校拥有一个校园超市 3.学生街:校园商家 4.创业项目:学生创业项目展示及交流合作 5.产品库存:针对夜猫店和超市供货 6.微信公众号绑定 7.支持微信支付和支付宝 8.商家特卖频道 9.商家优惠券(The 59store like campus o2o system is a O2O system
- PHP小项目开发,学生成绩管理系统,MySQL数据库(PHP small project development, student achievement management system)
- This project is for purpose of studing only .PHP and MYSQL this project is paysystem and it can be used as your like
- bWAPP,php靶机程序,方便渗透测试(bWAPP, or a buggy web application, is a deliberately insecure web application. bWAPP helps security enthusiasts, developers and students to discover and to prevent web vulnerabilities. It prepares one to conduct successful penetr