- LVQ学习矢量化算法源程序 This directory contains code implementing the Learning vector quantization network. Source code may be found in LVQ.CPP. Sample training data is found in LVQ1.PAT. Sample test data is found in LVQTEST1.TST and LVQTEST2.TST. The
- 一个简单的邮件小系统,方便建站使用. 一个简单的邮件小系统,方便建站使用.-a simple small-mail system to facilitate the establishment of the station in use. A sim ple small-mail system to facilitate the establishment of the station in use.
- Tribe FloodNet 2k Distributed Denial Of Service Network 分布式拒绝服务工具的源代码,下面为英文说明: TFN can be seen as the yet most functional DoS attack tool with the best performance that is now almost impossible to detect. What is my point in releasing th
- If you ve ever had listviews where some of the column headings would display better on multiple lines, this article is for you!-If you ve ever had listviews where some of th e column headings would display better on multi ple lines, this article is f
- msn連線客戶端1.2 Just a note: I am not going to write out and explain everything that is in the code. This txt file will be an explanation of the Events and Methods in the UserControl. Please do not email me asking me about the protocol. Also, th
- IIR Filter Coefficient Quantization Example % written by DRB on 6-Dec-2004 for ECE3703 % % Looks at unquantized filter (ideal), direct form, and cascaded second % order section (SOS). -IIR Filter Coefficient Quantization Exam ple% written b
- 人民警察管理系统 人民警察管理系统-People's Police Management System Peo ple's Police Management System Peo ple's Police Management System
- This prj demonstrates how to use the SROM memory classes for the Dallas DS80C400. This example uses the memcpy function to copy a function in the SROM memory class (which is located in CODE memory) to von Neumann mapped XDATA (starting at 0x110000) f
- This code is a sample of proxy server purely written in .NET(C#).It s Multi-Threaded and smart enough to accept internet connections from any client in the LAN and the speed is good. So please vote. -This code is a sample of proxy server purely wr
- This a little game and it is extremely simple.-This a little game and it is extremely sim ple.
- Octane v1.01.20 The Open Compression Toolkit for C++ . The Open Compression Toolkit is a set of modular C++ classes and utilities for implementing and testing compression algorithms. Simple interface and skeleton code for creating new compre
- LinCAN is a Linux kernel module that implements a CAN driver capable of working with multiple cards, even with different chips and IO methods. Each communication object can be accessed from multiple applications concurrently. It supports RT-Linu
- 在目标被动式跟踪中广泛应用的伪量测变换估计器(PLE)具有良好的误差收敛性。然而由于等价噪声和状态的相关性,该估计器的估计是有偏的。提出的强跟踪滤波器(STF)通过强制白化残差具有自适应地校正估计偏差和迅速跟踪状态变化的能力。STF已经在非线性系统时滞估计、故障诊断与容错控制方面取得了很好的效果。
- 一种纠3错BCH译码器的FPGA设计文章基于一种较新颖的纠3错BcH码逐步译码算法和结构原型,提出了BCH 译码器的完整实用化结构,采用FPeA设计并实现了纠3错BCH(31,16)译码器。该译码 方案的特点是主体结构通用、资源占用少、运行速度高,非常适合于需要对传输帧的帧头实 施特殊保护的数据传输应用场合。 主题词壁垒旦堡璺塑三堡£里堡垒 O 引-Based on a noVel step.by—step decoding algorithm and its stnIctu
- Face Recognition based on PLE dataset from CMU-Using Eigenfaces and Template matching
- r package and describe it at least 40 bytes in English. System will automatically delete the directory of debug and release, so ple
- a program while we use the ple algorithme
- “画图板”程序是用来绘制各种几何图形的画图小程序。该程序主要包括一些功能: (1)绘制各种几何图形 支持鼠标绘制直线、曲线、矩形、椭圆、封闭任意多边形、圆弧、饼型。 (2)添加文字标注 支持添加文字标注,为绘图作品或绘制图形进行文字说明。 (3)设置画笔和填充 支持选择画笔属性(线宽、线形、线色);支持选择填充属性,即刷子的(颜色、样式)实现对封闭图形的填充。 (4)保存和导入图形文件 支持将当前绘制的图形保存为文件(扩展名为.ple)。支持从磁盘中打开扩展名为
- Vensim PLE Version 5.9c系统动力学软件-Vensim PLE Version 5.9c