- 题目大意: 经典的汉诺塔 n个盘编号,从小到大 1..n 问:移动的序列中第k步移的是哪个盘 -Input The first line of the input file is T, the number of test cases. Each test case contains one integer p (1<=p<10^100). Output Output the pth e
- MC9SXS128里面有128个中断,其中PORTH口就可以用成外部中断输入脚,里面有教你引脚初始化 ,教你写中断程序,新手比较容易上手的,-MC9SXS128 there are 128 interrupt, the PORTH port can be used as external interrupt input pin, pin initialization inside teach you, teach you to write interrupt program, easy to u