- ex5_1 I-型线性相位FIR滤波器 ex5_2 II-型线性相位FIR滤波器 ex5_3 III-型线性相位FIR滤波器 ex5_4 IV-型线性相位FIR滤波器 ex5_5 矩形窗频响 ex5_6 希尔伯特变换器设计-汉宁窗 ex5_7 低通滤波器设计-汉明窗 ex5_8 带通滤波器设计-布莱克曼窗 ex5_9 低通滤波器设计-凯塞窗 ex5_11 频率采样技术:低通,朴素法 ex5_12 频率采样技术:低通, 最优法T1 & T2 ex5_13
- This chapter treats the design of linear-phase FIR filters. The assignments are divided in two parts, the first part focuses on the design of FIR filters using the window design method while the second part focuses on design of equiripple FIR filters
- The programe and some paterials on the McClellan-Parks filter